For those of you who care about such things, here a few statistics from the third round of the
dracotops_harry fest:
☆ 424880 words were written for the fest.
Length ranged from 54,000 words (the longest fic) to 1170 words (the shortest fic).
☆ We had 42 submissions (34 fic, 5 art, 3 podfic) and 12 drop-outs.
That's a drop-out rate of about 20%.
☆ Ratings were distributed
G -- 2 (art)
PG -- 1 (art)
PG-13 -- 12
R -- 16
NC-17 -- 11
☆ We've had 61 recs so far (that we heard of). THANK YOU, reccers! ♥