FIC: The Crying Souls (NC-17)

Apr 24, 2012 20:14

Title: The Crying Souls
Author: fyernaice
Prompt: # 42
Summary: Draco Malfoy is a Veela, and his mate is Harry Potter. However, circumstances are keeping the two apart, until one day the two collide.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry, Ron/Hermione
Warnings: some self-harm, slight D/s
Word Count: approx. 15,200 words
Author's Notes: For vaysh11 who truly is the inspiration and muse for my writing (Please, don't expect this to be even remotely close to her level of writing). vaysh11, I tried to get as much as your prompt into this. No matter how much I read this, I simply could not find a plot, but I hope the porn makes up for the lack of plot.
Disclaimer: If I had owned Harry Potter characters, Harry would be riding Draco Malfoy's broom. Not for profit, purely for fun, and no offense meant.

( The Crying Souls )

fic length: long, fic length: one shot, type: fic, creature: veela, rating: nc-17, author: fyernaice, genre: creature, [admin] fest-2012, genre: romance, contains: d/s

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