FEST: Sign-up Post for Podficcers

Jan 10, 2012 01:02

for podficcers for
the dracotops_harry Fest

Banner by harrysde. ♥

Important Dates:
Sign-ups start: January 9
Submissions due: March 18
Fest starts: April 1
Posting ends: April 29 or earlier (depending on how many submissions we get)
Reveal goes up: May 4

Please make sure to read and be aware of the Fest Rules and the Info Post about Podficcing before signing-up to podfic for the Fest.

During prompting we asked the prompters to leave us suggestions for stories that they would want to see podficced. This list of stories can be found here:

Suggested Stories for Podficcing for the dracotops_harry Fest.

You can either chose a story from the list, or any other top!Draco H/D story to podfic for the fest.

  • All podfics must be H/D and top!Draco.
  • You need to get permission from the authors before you submit your podfics to us.
  • If you would like to podfic a story but haven't decided yet which one, please sign up now and let us know within the next two weeks which story you have chosen.

Sign-up Template:
My name:
My email address:
Story you will podfic: (author and title of story you want to podfic | leave blank if you haven't decided yet)

Please us this Template when signing-up:

My name:
My email address:
Story you will podfic:

The dracotops_harry Fest is an anonymous Fest with authors and artists revealed in a Big Reveal once all submissions of the fest have been posted. We are not sure, though, whether anonymity makes sense for podficcers. If you think about signing-up as a podficcer for the fest, please let us know your preference in the following poll.

Poll podficcers' anonymity
Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns please comment here or mail the mods at dracotopsharry@gmail.com.

Your fest mods
memphisgreen, winnett and vaysh11

[admin] podfic, [admin] fest-2012

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