FIC: Your Destiny, My Destination (NC-17)

Apr 29, 2012 15:06

This is the last entry of the dracotops_harry Fest. Do enjoy! ♥

Title: Your Destiny, My Destination
Author: valinorean
Prompt Number: # 28
Summary: Life is a series of events that shape your past and determine your future. Ten years after the war, Head Auror Harry Potter accidentally travelled back in time where he met 18-year-old Draco Malfoy.
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry
Warnings: age disparity (roughly 18/28)
Word Count: 20k+
Author's Notes: Thank you tabitha666 for such a wonderful prompt. This is a story I began writing two years ago but never got to finish. But thanks to your timely prompt that is near identical to what I was aiming for, it gave me the needed push to finish this fic. There are some minor differences with you prompt, but it's as close as I can make it. Also, thank you to my dear dear beta, K, for still finding the time to do this despite your no doubt busy busy schedule with RL right now. I am deeply grateful ♥

( Your Destiny, My Destination )

fic length: long, fic length: one shot, type: fic, author: valinorean, rating: nc-17, genre: time-travel, contains: age disparity, [admin] fest-2012

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