This is...another possibly disturbing entry, but I talk about one thing I do not support and one thing I do support, so that's good :)
All of us ladies here are aware we have a vagina, yes? Good, very good. The vagina serves many purposes. It facilitates sexual penetration, is the tunnel through which mad screaming pink blobs of evil...I mean...cute adorable babies pass through, and it's also responsible for making red blotches in your panties if you are not careful. Now we all have assholes too, right? Those have one purpose: to poop out of. Would you BELIEVE that some guys want to stick their junk up there where it doesn't belong? You know that feeling when you take a massive dump and your bum hurts so bad that you can't sit down? Yeah, would you want to feel that voluntarily? I didn't think so. Even gay men, who are stigmatized as having anal sex all the time in fact do not really care for it. So yeah no.
Now something I approve of: masturbation! We're all about dirty topics today here at Beck the Peanut Gallery. Yes, it's good to do. It helps relieve stress after particularly tough days of work or classes, it's easy and carefree, and the biggest benefit, it feels just plain good. Of course, one can masturbate too much, but in moderation and when practiced safely I approve of it. Which reminds me..."toy" makers really...REALLY need to stop making all their "toys" cut. Some women, (including me) just don't like that.
Now follow the instructions
1. Hit play
2. Wait until the video is loaded
3. Go to the 1:54 mark and watch until the 2:27 mark.
4. Laugh Hysterically and/or go "WTF?!"
5. Repeat until thoroughly amused
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