My Black Pirates shirt today has Paul's battle cry "Osu!" on it. About 10 people have asked me what it means...I say play more Tekken. I am so pissed off at that game now though...I can't become anything higher than a Legend with my top character...because the game is so goddamn difficult toward the high ranks. I'm two ranks away from becoming a Tekken Lord, (highest level), but NO, I can't get it...*fumes* ...I have neglected this guy so so much. Just because my mum doesn't like it when I play as him...she doesn't like the whole tackle and break neck thing...whilst laughing maniacally. I dun care...he's still gorgeous. Nyeh.
Sooo...two weeks of doing absofrickenlutely nothing but playing video games...*dances around like the psycho that she is* YAAY!
...but first...I have to sit through the Spirit Competitions. bleh...