Mar 22, 2006 13:40
Wow its been a REALLY long time since i've updated this craziness. Fun times, yo. Fun times indeed. Its been a good couple of months, I'm trying to think of anything madd important to say but the only really cool stuff thats happened has been lately, really.
I'll start with Shaun. :-) he is quite the awesomeness of awesome, I really can't even begin to describe how much things have changed for the better over the last few weeks because of him. He treats me better than any other boyfriend ever has... he makes me feel beautiful... which is something I doubted about myself with all the chaos from last year. He's just so much fun to be with, and absolutely one of the best people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I want to say more, but I feel bad getting all mushy on you guys. Just know that I am happy, and he is amazing. :-)
So i suppose second best to that information is me dropping that marketing class. I'm sure most of you have heard me bitching about that one time or another... "fuck i have so much fucking work to do this fucking class is fucking killing me i feel like fucking throwing myself out a fucking window right fucking now"... any of that sound familiar?:-D:-D:-D Yeah that was my brain on Marketing. Kitties and bunnies is my brain on DROPPING marketing. lololol. Its a big relief, I actually have time to do the work that I need to do for my other classes. Before I only had time for my MKT homework. So this is a HUGE relief.
Plus the semester is almost over, woot! i can't wait til the summer, its going to be SO much fun... Shaun and I are going to go CAMPING!!! omg i'm so excited, i haven't been camping in SO LONG. its gonna be like... back when i was young and carefree. lolol, i miss those days. Like the gymnastics days, right Erika? haha those were the BEST. God I wish we could go back to that sometimes. Anyway, summer will be great, it seems to hold lots of opportunities for adventure... which is something i've been missing lately.
This weekend will be fun, mum and daddy are picking me up Friday at 11 and we're driving up to PA to see Ed's musical... i'm SO EXCITED its going to be amazing!! Ed says it'll be really funny, and I know if he's in it he will be. lol. Then on Saturday we'll prolly get back around 4, so hopefully if all goes well I'll drive up to Prince William Forest Park and help out for the rest of Retreat. Yeahhhhh man how awesome will that be?! see this is what I mean by its gonna be a great weekend. Cuz on Sunday, even if I don't get up to Retreat on saturday, I'm gonna meet all the Retreaters over at Brothers and spend some time with my "homies" lolol. Then I think Shaun and I are gonna hang out for a bit before he has to go back to Maryland. So its gonna be a super fantastic weekend, fo sho. :-)
Anyways i gotta run to work now, then I've got to get some HOMEWORK done, i've been slacking, lol. But aight, I will talk to you all awesome people later,