Title: Depression Scare
dracos_astraChapters: 1/?
Rating: Pg-15
Warnings: Cussing
Pairing: Tora x Saga
Summary: Depression Just Hits Saga, Tora Rushes to him.
Genre: Angst, romance
Comments: Yes, Please <3
~Third Person~
It had been a few days since the bassist was needed in the recording studio. In that time, a wave of depression hit him. Tora, Nao, and Hiroto had all tried calling him; he was waiting for Shou to call next. Saga had ignored everyone's calls, even Tora's, which no one could believe since they had been dating.Tora was a biting his lip, worried. When he had asked Shou to try next, there was no answer.
~Saga's View~
"Fucking piece of shit," I muttered as I threw the vibrating phone to the other side of the couch. I didn't want to talk, yet I couldn't be bothered to turn the damn phone off. "Why am I like this? Why do I feel so...so fake?" I asked Chiko, who just looked at me and whined. My phone started vibrating again, I glanced at it: a text message. I leaned over the couch and opened it; it was from Tora, saying that if I don't answer at least one of their calls, he would be over. My mind wandered as I looked at the message, not really paying much attention to it.
"And what would you find, love, when you get here?" It vibrated in my hand again, forcing my attention to it again. Hiroto calling it said. I ignored it again. A call from Pon wouldn't cheer me up... not even Tora would be able to cheer me up. That thought made me feel even worse.
"How can Tora stand being with me? I'm ugly, selfish, and completely unworthy of him..."
"Never... say that... again..." Tora breathed heavily, as if he just ran. I looked back, surprised he was here.
~Tora's View~
"Fuck" I cursed as Shou shut his phone and gave us all a worried look. Why isn't he answering us? I thought, starting to pace slowly. I was worried he would do something stupid. He must have been in one of those moods. He needs me now; so I told Shou, Nao, and Pon that I was going to go to him. I started to leave, soon realizing I didn't have my bike or my car-- one had a flat, and the other was in the shop-- the one fucking day I needed to be fast. I looked around, thinking of the fastest way to him... and I ran. Weaving in and out of people, glad that I took football in school, I sighed as I neared the building I knew so well. I opened the front door and ran up the stairs to his apartment.
Fishing out the key, I started panicking-- usually if he heard me fumble around with the lock, he would answer the door. I put the key in, unlocked the door, and walked into the apartment, leaving the door open in favor of quickly searching for the man I love. I spotted him. He was looking at his phone and muttering to himself. Patting Chiko a silent hello, I listened to him speak badly about himself. I only heard words that weren't true. I stood behind the couch, breathing raggedly.
"Never say that again." He looked up, utterly shocked that I was even there. He didn't hear me come in. I went to the other side of the couch and pulled him into my arms. I was still catching my breath as I told him, "My Saga needs me, and my Saga should know he is a gorgeous man, one of a kind, and that I am unworthy... of having his love." He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off with a small kiss. I didn't want to hear him say all that again-- more like I couldn't.