[IDW] Play by Numbers - Epilogue

Dec 15, 2016 08:25

Play By Numbers - Epilogue
There wasn’t much left standing in the wake of the clash of titans, but Starscream still managed to find a decent vantage point. It helped, he supposed, that the city and its residents were still licking their wounds, so to speak.

No one paid him much mind or attention. No one was there to see him standing on the roof of a building, watching the Lost Light as it rose steadily into the air. Part of him half-expected it to depart in much the same manner it had before - with an explosive exit.

But, no.

There was nothing to keep the ship from departing. It did not hesitate. It rose steadily, the smallest of crowds beneath to see it off. Starscream had refused to join them.

He couldn’t explain the weird tug in his spark. He couldn’t decide what he felt as he watched the ship rise, knowing that it carried Rodimus not-a-Prime aboard. Knowing that in less than a day, he’d somehow grown attached to the Autobot.

Perhaps there was something addictive about Primes. Or flashy grounders. Or loud-mouthed, arrogant, vulnerable speedsters.


Starscream gnawed on his bottom lip. He folded his arms over his chestplate. He refused to ping the Lost Light’s comm suite like a lovelorn fool. He and Rodimus had said all they needed to say to one another.

His comm pinged. Starscream answered it while his gaze remained locked on the ship. “What is it?”

“Got a message for you, sir. From the Lost Light.”

Starscream’s orbital ridges drew down. “Pass it through.”

“Yes, sir.”

A datapacket came across the line, coded for privacy, but one Starscream at least had an access key for. Curious, he tapped the attached file and opened it, only for his optics to widen in surprise.

It was a message from Rodimus.

Just in case was all it said. Well, that and a comm code which was no doubt Rodimus’ private line.

Starscream’s spark warmed, dancing in its casing. He saved the file, tagged Rodimus’ comm in his internal suite, and cast a smile toward the departing ship.

Maybe the baby Prime wanted to be kept after all.

Starscream’s lips curved into a grin.

And then he composed a message of his own.


His ship had been prepared.

His crew had been altered. Some had opted to remain behind. Some had opted to be as far from Rodimus as physically possible. Some were forced to be here.

Some had died.

Still, the Lost Light felt like home. Felt like the only place Rodimus could go. What did that say about him?

He fought back a sigh as he strode the unsurprisingly empty corridors. Maybe everyone was buckled up and down, half-expecting another disastrous take off. He couldn’t blame them.

Rodimus headed for the bridge without any enthusiasm in his steps. How could he be excited? This wasn’t a grand launch toward a heroic adventure. This was a limping exit toward a usurped quest.

One he now shared with Megatron.


Rodimus cycled a ventilation. Optimus’ disappointment sat on his shoulders like a disapproving gargoyle, weighing him down. Judging him. Waiting for yet another failure in a string of them.

Rodimus rubbed his optics with the heel of his palm. Primus, what was wrong with him?

He arrived at the bridge and jabbed his free hand at the access panel. As he waited for the doors to open, his comm chimed. His private comm for that matter with an ident code it took him several seconds to recognize.

It was Starscream. He must have gotten Rodimus’ message, though spontaneous and perhaps ill-advised it had been.

‘See you when you get back.’

That was all it said. Nothing more, nothing less. But there was implied promise in it. Support. Encouragement.

Rodimus grinned like an idiot.


The door whooshed open, and Rodimus stepped onto the bridge. He froze, however, upon sight of Megatron standing there next to Ultra Magnus. From here, all Rodimus could see was the former Decepticon tyrant’s back, but it was more than enough.

Rodimus ground his denta. The urge to turn and stalk out was almost more than he could resist.

It was not too late to turn back toward Cybertron. Surely there wasn’t a mech on this ship who would be sad to see him go.


He would do this. Megatron wasn’t the only one aboard who owed.

If Starscream could rule Cybertron, then Rodimus could most certainly do this. This was his ship and his quest. Like frag he’d surrender it to Megatron. Not that easily.

Rodimus set his jaw and strode onto the bridge.

He could do this. Maybe not right away, because that was Megatron right there, but he’d do it.



a/n: And there it is. The end. .... For now. ^_^

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated. This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/355001.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

transformers: ex-rid, transformers: idw, play by numbers, transformers, transformers: mtmte

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