Outstanding October

Oct 01, 2016 15:13

So September was halfway between a loss and a success. I wanted to get more done, but had to take commissions to cover some unexpected expenses. October is already looking like metal to the pedal busy, so I'm going to try and keep my monthly goals as short and sweet as possible.

To Write: 
  • Finish all of the Commissions I took in September
  • Finish Truth in Advertising
  • Finish Play By Numbers Part Two
  • Edit everything in the second draft folder.
In terms of what I have to post, I completely emptied my "to post" folder in September, so I don't have anything to update but keeping on putting out chapters of Salvage and Reign.
I also need to prep for NaNoWriMo. I'm thinking right now that I'm going to try and finish the three acts of Flights of Fancy. But I may end up doing something else.

I'm also sitting down and kind of re-evaluating things, so October might be a month of reflection.

As always, if you're curious about a series I haven't mentioned, feel free to ask about it. I'm hoping to one by one, attack everything I have that's a WIP until I don't have anything more. And I won't be starting anything new until I finish out the WIPs. At least, that's my hope. *fingers crossed*

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/342621.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

monthly tasks

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