Salacious September

Sep 01, 2016 07:52

August was exhausting, but productive. I accomplished nearly every goal on my list, and got a fair chunk done at the uncompleted goal. Woohoo! September looks to be more of the same as my RL job continues to dominate my time despite only being part-time and my writing time is less and less. But I will persevere!

To Write This Month: 
  • Finish Truth in Advertising
  • Finish Play By Numbers Part Two
  • Finish The Road to Somewhere, Drift/Percy Harpies
  • Clear out the second draft folder of edits
  • Finish the sequel to Good Enough
To Post This Month
  • Four chapters of Crown the Empire
  • False Sympathy, a Crown the Empire drabble
  • Jealousies, a BatFlash fic
It's a pretty hefty list, but I think I can do it! Here's hoping I finally get some free time so I can start catching up on my 2016 goals of which I am woefully behind. XD

As always, feel free to ask about any projects I haven't mentioned. I'm still working on all my WIPs, just slowly. Right now, the goal is to knock out those WIPs one by one. :3
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

monthly tasks

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