Marvelous May

Apr 30, 2016 19:03

I am quite pleased with myself. I managed to do everything on my to-do list for April! Woohoo! Let's hope that level of success carries right on into May as well. ^_^ It turns out that having reasonable goals means I accomplish more. Who knew?

First we have the writing goals!
  • Harpy Megatron/Rodimus Commission
  • Drift/Ratchet Oneshot
  • Play by Numbers Part Two
  • Finish Revisions to In Darkness Dwells Original Novel
Then we have the posting goals!
  • Two updates to Wretches and Kings
  • "Shatter Me," Sideswipe/Sunstreaker (ft. Hound)
  • "Challenge Accepted," Grimlock/Starscream
  • "What Lies Beneath," Jazz POV from Dear Lies
I also plan to continue on rebuilding my website in the down times when the muses aren't cooperating. Which is often. XD. And I have a few "bonus" things that I plan on working on if I get these things finished, like some OT3 lovings and some more work on Reign.

Busy, busy! ^_^

As always, if you're curious about anything in particular, feel free to ask. I know there are a few fics that haven't updated in a while and I do intend to get to those. As soon as I finish Reign and Salvage and can turn my brain power elsewhere, I plan to get back to work on Truth in Advertising, The Art of Self-Destruction, and Apple a Day. Promise!

Good luck in May!
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monthly tasks

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