MTMTE #52 Thoughts

Apr 27, 2016 18:41

Opinions, I have them. Feel free to ignore.

I liked this issue. Then again, I've liked this whole series and both seasons. Sure, I have things that annoy me or that I disagree with, but as a whole, MTMTE is one finely put together series, not just for Transformers, but as a Science Fiction comic in general. It makes you think, it makes you realize the grey areas and that has always been my favorite theme to read.

Anyway. On to the issue itself. Boy, lots of things happened here. I'm preparing myself. I'm finding that I'd rather not share my opinion where someone is going to aggressively tell me how wrong I am.

I'm suddenly seeing a lot of parallels between Tarn and Starscream. That's not a good thing. For Tarn anyway. I know I should probably be angry at Tarn, but I'm not. I'm full of pity for him. Megatron fragged him up six ways to Sunday. Tarn isn't thinking straight, he can't think straight. You can't take a mech, mold him into the physical embodiment of your ideology, and then take that away from him, and expect said mech to come out sane. You just can't. *pets Tarn* Despite the choices he's made so far, his desperate attempts to grasp onto something to believe in, Tarn is lost. He doesn't know who or what he is anymore.

Oh, Kaon. Why else would you believe Tarn wanted to do anything but comfort you? He's such a tactile mech, our Tarn. He purports to care for you. Why else would you expect?

Except... well. There /was/ an audience. Overlord was standing right there. Megatron's energon still painted Tarn's knuckles, or at least, it had seeped beneath the plating. Tarn was a mech on the edge.

Kaon probably couldn't see it in his worry, but oh. I wouldn't have gone near Tarn with a ten mile pole in that situation. Poor Kaon though. Man, oh, man.

And I have to agree with a friend. She believes that if Kaon had not come to Tarn publicly, but perhaps in private, Kaon would have been spared. But there in the optics of Overlord and everyone else, Tarn didn't think rationally. He just thought to get rid of an asset that was no longer useful. Members of the DJD, after all, are replaceable. Whatever Kaon had meant to him, Tarn would save any kind of mourning for private, if indeed he had a reason to do so.

That conversation between Megatron and Tarn. It was just so on point that it hurts. There's a tiny part of me that's still suspicious of the change in Megatron, but I also believe that there was the old Megatron buried inside of him. And I do believe that he believes he lost sight of his goals along the way. I don't think he regrets trying to rise up, to get rid of the Senate, to fight back. But I do believe, no matter what, that he does regret how far he took it, and the lives that are on his hands.

Overlord! I should've known that big-lipped loser wasn't dead. XD. I'm sure I probably should have been awed by his fight with Tarn, but I just couldn't help laughing. Because they were seriously arguing over which of them Megatron liked/hated best and I just... these children. These children that Megatron ruined, to be fair, but yeah. Children.

Finally. FINALLY. We get a teensy bit of resolution between Drift and Rodimus. I am so, so happy about that. Now I just need a page of Drift and Megatron talking. Please, please. I can have this?

Ratchet and Velocity. omg. Why do I think that Velocity=me because I would totally frag that up, too. I hope they end up getting along and Ratchet finds himself another wonderful protege.

Other random points.
  • Ravage is made of awesome. Nuff said. 
  • Oh Primus. That panel with Tarn's clawed thumbs on Megatron's throat. Why was that so hot? _whines_
  • Overlord taunting Tarn and Tarn falling for it.
  • Nickel's shocked and pained look at Kaon
  • Ratchet and Rodimus carrying Megatron in that second to last panel. -faints- Ravage's sad face. ;__;
  • Swerve trying to speak to Ten. <3
  • Nautica and Rewind's conversation. <3 <3
  • Milne's art just keeps getting better OMG
  • So nice to see alt-modes again!
  • Tarn's statement of "I'm doing this for your own good" sent chills down my spine
  • I am even more convinced that Tarn is Roller now

Yeah. Those are my initial impressions. XD. Maybe when I'm less WOW and more calm I can look at this more. I just love this series so much. -huggles it close to my chest-
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ramblings, transformers: mtmte

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