Random Musings

Apr 19, 2016 14:35

Don't mind me. Just dropping of some meandering observations here, as I don't feel comfortable doing so on my Tumblr, for all that they aren't even that scandalous. XD. Feel free to ignore.

But in the midst of the current arc of MTMTE, season two to be more precise, I have to admit, I'm loving the whole Autobot Megatron arc. Not that I think he's an Autobot. He only took the Autobot badge because when you divide the world into factions, if you're not one, then you are the other, and only one of them is safe. Not even Neutrality would have been a safety net.

I know that in all likelihood Megatron is not going to stay an Autobot. And I am fine with that. If even it proves he's been playing the Autobots all along, I would not be surprised in the slightest. For Soundwave's sake especially.

But I do hope that we don't just return to the status quo. That some of Megatron's changes are genuine. That he still wants what he's always wanted, but now recognizes some of the methods he used weren't right. I don't want to see him returning to the rampaging madman, to the genocidal terrorist. I want him to work for the freedom of all Cybertronians without resorting to violence first.

I want him to be the fanfiction Megatron we all deserve rather than an endless cycle that we keep getting in canon. XD. Especially given the dark path Optimus is taking himself on right now.

That's just my two cents and hopes for the future. Don't mind me.... ^_^

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/327485.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

musings, transformers: mtmte

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