BDSM Done Right Fills Take 1

Feb 19, 2016 07:53

So I couldn't wait until March to start posting these. So have some early! ^_^

For Anonymous
Prompt: TFA Kup/Springer, sexual, sparkplay, contract

Fandom: Transformers Animated. Warnings: None really, SFW

“Pay attention, brat, this is important,” Kup said with a flick to Springer’s forehelm.

Springer grinned, the light sting not enough to deter him from trying to nuzzle into Kup’s throat, the scent of old, hot metal as intoxicating to him as high grade.

“I’m listening,” he insisted.

A pale green hand planted itself on his chestplate and shoved him back. “No yer not,” Kup said and a foot rose up, replacing Kup’s hand on Springer’s chest, keeping him pinned. “Now. Yes or no answers. Bondage?”

“Yes,” Springer said, a small thrill running through his lines at the pressure of the old mech’s pede on his ventrum.

“Good. Pain?”

“Yes,” Springer tried not to sound bored. But he trusted Kup and all of these questions were a waste of time.

He traced his fingers around Kup’s knee and then dragged them down, to the open gaps at Kup’s ankle strut. “Just yes for everything old timer,” Springer said with a roll of his optics.

“Everything,” Kup repeated flatly. He pressed down a little harder; the metal of Springer’s chestplate creaked. “So if I were to take a shockstick to your spark chamber, you’d have no worries?”

Springer blinked, ice drizzling down his spinal strut. “You wouldn’t do that.”

Kup arched an orbital ridge. “It fits in the category of everything.”

“Yeah, but… I didn’t think you were gonna kill me,” Springer said, his hand cupping Kup’s ankle, but all sense of play gone from his field.

“It wouldn’t kill ya. Not if done properly,” Kup corrected, and his voice took on a hard edge. “But that’s not what’s important. Limits are. And I want to know yers, brat. So take this seriously.”

Springer worked his intake. “Okay,” he said, and settled back into the berth. “Okay. I get your point. And for your information, no, you’re not allowed to take a shockstick to my spark.” He paused and tilted his helm. “But you can touch it, lick it, and merge with it anytime you want.” Because yes, he trusted Kup, he wouldn’t be here if he didn’t.

“Noted,” Kup said. His vocals had a husky edge to them however. “And for the record, I have no intention of taking a shockstick to your spark. Now, what about spanking?”

Springer grinned. He knew that one was coming.

For some reason, Kup was under the impression that Springer needed a firm hand.

Luckily for both of them, Springer thought so, too.

For Anon
Prompt: Prowl/Optimus, Non-sexual, Playtime with Discussion of Contract

Universe: Transformers G1/IDW. Warnings: None, slightly NSFW

The moment his panel popped, Optimus’ rumbling engine stuttered. Embarrassment replaced the low thrum of relaxation, and he tried to drag his knees together to conceal his now exposed spike.

This… it was not part of the plan. It wasn’t why Optimus came here, why he knelt so obediently, seeking solace in gentle touches and unassuming care.


He ducked his head, hiding his face from his master’s view. He had failed. His dermal plating heated as he scrubbed his thighs, unable to calm the dread pulsing in his spark.

His master’s hand landed on his head. The pitch of his master’s engine had not changed despite Optimus’ spike emerging.

“Look at me, pet.” His voice was gentle, but the words a command that couldn’t be ignored.

Reluctantly, Optimus lifted his gaze. Prowl’s face was carefully blank as he shifted to cup Optimus’ jaw, preventing him from looking away again.

“I am not angry,” his master said. “That is not an unexpected response. Is it one you wish me to ignore, or should we renegotiate the contract?”

Optimus worked his intake. His mouth opened, only to clamp shut. Was the question automatic permission to speak? He didn’t know. They hadn’t had enough sessions for him to know Prowl’s quirks.

Prowl must have read his indecision because he said, “You may answer.”

“I’m sorry,” Optimus all but blurted. “It was unintentional. It is not-”

“-what you are seeking. I understand.” His master’s thumb stroked over his cheek. “It will be ignored.”

Relief flooded Optimus’ field. He sighed a ventilation. “Thank you, Master.”

“You are welcome.” Prowl guided Optimus’ head back to where it had been resting on Prowl’s knee, within stroking distance. “Now as you were.”

“Yes, Master.” Optimus obeyed, ignoring the dull heat of unexpected arousal. Eventually, it would fade, his spike would retract, and hopefully, they could but this entire embarrassing incident behind them.

Right now, the peace Prowl’s command offered was all the satisfaction Optimus wanted.

For Anon
Prompt: Wheeljack/Starscream, post sexual sticky aftercare

Universe: Transformers IDW, ex-RiD. Warnings: None, slightly NSFW

It was only once the overload had gone and the last tremors of pleasure faded that everything began to hurt. Starscream tried not to show it, but as Whelejack unlocked the last restraint, a hiss escaped his lips.

“Sorry,” Wheeljack said, his fingers gently brushing over plating that had been rubbed raw by the cuffs. “Maybe not use such strong restraints next time?”

“No.” Starscream stretched his frame into a long, sinuous pull. “I’ll break anything else.” His lips quirked into a grin. “Besides, you might not fuss over me afterward if not.”

Wheeljack chuckled and bent his helm, pressing his mouthplate to the inside of Starscream’s wrist. “I would still spoil you,” he retorted, though his field rolled out, rich with humor. “Don’t let it get to your head though. You’re insufferable enough as it is.”

Starscream’s wings twitched, despite the ache in their hinge mounts. The flat planes of them were sore as well, but it was nothing that wouldn’t heal overnight.

“I am confident; there’s a difference,” Starscream corrected.

“Mm.” Wheeljack made a noncommittal noise.

One thumb rubbed over Starscream’s inner wrist while his other hand vanished, digging around in a side panel to produce a tube of nanite gel. This he gently rubbed into the raw marks around Starscream’s wrist. It would not only speed up the healing process, but encourage the color nanites to repopulate faster.

It wouldn’t do, after all, for the people to see their ruler in any condition that was slightly less than perfect. In public, he had to be their shining star. In private, he could be whatever he wanted to be. Whatever he asked Wheeljack to do.

“I think this is your favorite part,” Starscream murmured as Wheeljack finished the first wrist and then moved to the other.

“What makes you say that?” Wheeljack asked, sounding distracted. He put all of his focus into fixing what he’d broken, even if Starscream had asked him for it.

“Because your field is doing that soft, fuzzy thing it does when you’re content,” Starscream replied with a small smile.

Wheeljack chuckled. “I’m flattered that you noticed.” He released Starscream’s wrist and moved down to his left ankle.

The wet splatters of lubricant around his aft and array, Wheeljack always saved for last. Starscream’s equipment was so sensitive post-overload that it was another pain in itself to be cleaned afterward.

“This isn’t just for me, you know,” Starscream said. “I pay attention.”

“I know you do.” Wheeljack’s clever fingers sank into his ankle joint, massaging away the lingering aches. “Besides. You’re right.”

“Of course I am.” Starscream sank into the berth, his engine settling into a soft purr.

Wheeljack’s optics brightened, but his field continued that happy thrum.

They all had their quirks, Starscream supposed. To each his own.

a/n: There are plenty more to come. Keep your eyes peeled~!

And as always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

transformers: animated, transformers: exrid, flash fiction fills, transformers: g1, transformers, bdsm done right

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