Flash Fiction Fills Take 64 Part Two

Nov 24, 2015 08:24

a/n: Three more!

For Harlequin Romance Anon
Prompt: Orion Pax is a disgraced Archivist who is forced to become one of the many pleasure bots in the Pits of Kaon. Megatronus is Champion and wants only him. Cue their falling in love and talks of rebellion.

Fandom: TF Prime AU. Warnings: vaguely nsfw, mentions of slavery and forced prostitution

It was scary how easily he lost himself in Megatronus’ arms. He forgot, in those moments, that he no more belonged to Megatronus than he belonged to himself. That when the on-cycle came, he would have to creep out of Megatronus’ berth and return to the waiting halls.

He would have to smile and flirt and try to coax the next victorious warrior into purchasing his services. As much as Orion wanted it, Megatronus could not monopolize his time. He hadn’t the credits.

Orion tried to banish these thoughts when he was safe in the pleasure of Megatronus’ arms. When the gladiator caged him and held him and thrust into him, always mindful of offering pleasure when no one else bothered.

Orion shivered at the promises Megatronus whispered into his audials. He tried to burst each bubble of hope, but they continued to nestle in his spark.

“We will free ourselves,” Megatronus would murmur as he kissed Orion and stroked him into overload, and held him through the tremors.

Because Megatronus was as much a slave as Orion himself.

“We will have our revenge,” Megatronus assured as he nuzzled against Orion’s intake, his denta lightly scraping, leaving his mark.

Sometimes, it worked. Sometimes, it didn’t. Sometimes, that it worked, went poorly for Orion Pax. Because if the other gladiators were too afraid to purchase him, then he was not making the required credits for his owner.

And there were worse punishments than crawling from tattered berth to dirty berth.

Orion was glad that Megatronus claimed him. But sometimes, that protection was worse than none at all. Yet, he wouldn’t give it up.

He’d fallen this low for love of Megatronus, and he would fall even further if necessary. They were stronger together than they could ever be apart.

They might have taken Orion’s dignity from him, but they could not take his determination. He was not beaten. He was not ruined.

He would return stronger than before. He was sure of it. And Megatronus was, too, with every murmured word of praise, and promise of insurrection.

They would be free.

For Bett-splendens
Prompt: TFP Soundwave/Optimus, exploration

Fandom: TF Prime, pre-series. Warnings: Angst, mentions of MegaOP

He heard nothing, but Orion knew he was no longer alone. He could not be surprised either.

The Council no more liked their new Prime than Orion enjoyed becoming one. Perhaps they thought if they failed to protect him, it would give them an excuse to try again.

“I suppose I should be grateful,” Orion murmured. “He ignores my private messages, but sends his most trusted companion in his stead.”

Silence. Orion had not expected anything less.

He turned to see Soundwave standing behind him, the once bulky gladiator now sadly lithe.

“He should know I did not ask for this, and I don’t want it,” Orion said.

Soundwave approached him and one hand lifted, a slim finger tapping on Orion’s chestplate, right along the central seam.

“I cannot surrender it,” Orion admitted as his armor slid aside and the glow of the matrix filled the space between them. “I tried.”

One thin finger explored without touching, almost as if Soundwave were afraid. He made no attempt to harm Orion, instead drawing back and giving Orion one of his infamously inscrutable looks.

Orion closed his armor and offered a wan smile. “He’ll never forgive me, I know.”

Soundwave’s helm tilted. His visor displayed static. “Traitor,” Megatron’s voice hissed, filling all the empty spaces of the Prime Suite.

Orion sighed. “Yes, I know. And it’s too late now.”

Soundwave’s visor cleared. He turned to go, message delivered, but Orion felt he owed one more truth. And even, perhaps, a warning.

“Tell him… goodbye,” Orion said, his spark aching, and it was not entirely from the Matrix. “The next time we meet, Orion will be dead. Do you understand?”

Soundwave nodded and then, he was gone, back to the shadows from whence he came, and no doubt, back to Megatron’s side. Where Orion could no longer be.

Optimus was, once again, alone.

For Regrets Anon
Prompt: IronhidexMirage, post All Hail Megatron, angst

Fandom: Transformers IDW, post-AHM. Warnings: None

He didn’t want to apologize.

Ironhide knew he was wrong, but that didn’t mean he wanted to apologize. He hated admitting he was wrong. He hated that he let his emotions and his fear get the best of him. He hated that he’d taken it out on a fellow Autobot.

He hated knowing that he’d been wrong and he should have been looking closer to home. He hated that he couldn’t even blame Sunstreaker, not really. The kid had been through a lot. He’d never been entirely right in the helm to begin with and then that whole business with the Machination and Hunter? That didn’t help matters.

Ironhide knew he owed Mirage an apology. He just hated that it was necessary. Hated that he’d let himself be consumed by emotion. Hated that he’d done a fellow Autobot wrong.

He sought out Mirage anyway. He offered an apology, and then, he couldn’t blame Mirage for throwing that back into his face. Mirage didn’t owe him forgiveness. The apology had been for Ironhide’s own peace of mind.

He didn’t feel so peaceful. In fact, he felt like slag. He looked at himself and wondered if he even had the right to wear the Autobot badge himself. Decepticons were supposed to turn on each other, not the other way around.

A more belligerent mech would have thrown his hands into the air and called it quits. Would have said he’d done the best he could do.

Ironhide was too old for that slag. He’d done wrong. He’d made a mistake. He’d been blind and he’d hurt someone who didn’t deserve it. He regretted being so quick to judge, to blame. He should not have taken his worry over Optimus out on Mirage.

He started with action. He cut in when he heard other Autobots trying to bad-mouth Mirage. He commissioned a fresh new badge and had it anonymously sent to Mirage, along with a packet of repair nanites and some fresh paint.

And he tried again. He said the hardest thing he’d ever had to say. He told Mirage he’d been wrong. He’d learned from his mistake, but it wasn’t an excuse.

Mirage looked back at him coolly, his armor impeccable, his Autobot symbol rightfully restored, and Ironhide didn’t think for one moment that meant he’d earned forgiveness. But Mirage nodded this time and didn’t respond with vitriol.

He accepted the apology, though he didn’t offer forgiveness. It was a step in the right direction. It was a start.

Right now, Ironhide would take anything he could get, because the guilt was swallowing him whole, and the hardest part, would be forgiving himself.

a/n: Phew. That makes six down and twenty-five more to go. I'm still on track and moving right along. Wahoo.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/316720.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

transformers: idw, flash fiction fill, transformers: prime, transformers, flash fiction

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