Flash Fiction Fills Take 64 Part One

Nov 22, 2015 10:37

a/n: Phew. Got... 31? Yeah, 31 I think this time around. So here are the first three!

For Shockwave Fan Anon
Prompt: TFP Shockwave/Starscream, post-S3

Fandom: Transformers Prime, post season three. Warnings: None

Shockwave considered himself a patient mech. Logic dictated that rushing the precise steps of the scientific process often resulted in failure or unexpected consequences.

Therefore, Shockwave had learned to be patient.

Starscream’s current behavior, however, was stressing the limits of that patience. He was - well, not disconsolate - but certainly distracted as of late. He was hampered by emotion - a blend of anger and loss and outrage.

It made Starscream prone to error. To long bouts of either moping or muttered tirades. Usually said tirades were directed at the Autobots. Sometimes, they were focused on Megatron. Other times, they were thinly veiled criticisms of Shockwave himself.

He took no offense. At least, not for the insults, they were of no consequence.

What Shockwave could not abide was waste. Of time. Of resources. Of brilliance.

He had kept Starscream from making a poorly planned attack on the Autobots and an utterly useless dive after their fallen leader. He had done so for a reason. Starscream was more valuable alive. He was brilliant when he was focused and not hampered by his own emotional inadequacies.

There was work to be done. Work Shockwave could not complete on his own. At least, not efficiently.

He needed Starscream. He needed the Seeker to be functional and focused. He didn’t need this… this irrationality.

But Starscream was not ruled by logic. He relied on emotion. He could not be swayed by calm and considerate conversation.

Shockwave would have to invoke a different tactic. He would have to tame Starscream using means Megatron had never considered.

Shockwave would have to be kind.

The very thought of it rankled. It was distasteful. Inefficient. Bothersome.

But needs must.

So Shockwave crafted a plan. He gathered supplies sure to entice a grieving, angry Starscream and he tracked down his partner in crime. There were all who was left of the Decepticon empire.

And Shockwave would not see his labor go to waste.

For Prime Anon
Prompt: Optimus/Starscream, the trick is not minding that it hurts

Fandom: Transformers IDW, post Dark Cybertron. Warnings: None

“It’s lonely at the top, isn’t it?”

Starscream stiffened, and then concealed his reaction by flicking his wings. That was one of the last voices he expected to hear.

“I don’t know what you mean,” he drawled as he turned around. “I am exactly where I want to be.”

“Of course you are,” Optimus Prime replied as he came to a stop beside Starscream. He leaned against the rail which had previously been hosting Starscream’s weight. “Far be it for me to assume otherwise.”

Starscream arched an orbital ridge. “And yet here you are.”

“Here I am,” Optimus agreed. He stared out over New Iacon, hands braced, shoulders tense. He looked as though he carried the universe on his shoulders. And of course he did. He was Prime. Everyone’s favorite savior.

Had he come here seeking company? With Starscream? With the mech who was in the charge of the planet he’d left behind and abandoned?

“Maybe you’re the one who’s lonely, Prime,” Starscream said as he circled to Optimus’ other side. “Or did you just want something from me?”

“I would have thought you’d be angrier,” Optimus replied, an odd segue, as his fingers tightened on the rail.

Starscream snorted. “Honestly, Prime, I’m used to Megatron disappointing me. I wasn’t surprised he couldn’t even do me the courtesy of dying.”

“Mm.” Optimus’ non-committal reply was telling.

“Besides,” Starscream continued as he leaned on the rail next to Optimus. “That speech was almost enough to make up for it.”

“Then you’re not angry he left?”

My, but such pointed questions tonight.

Starscream stared out over his sleeping city. “Everyone leaves, Optimus. The trick is not minding that it hurts.”

He hadn’t meant to admit that aloud, but it was too late to take it back. So Starscream pretended it was on purpose.

“Then that would make you a stronger mech than I am,” Optimus replied and turned away from the rail. “Megatron never deserved you.”

“Of course he didn’t.” Starscream inclined his helm, still curious about Prime’s presence here. “I’m worth more than everything he ever gave me.”

Optimus paused to look back at him, something unfathomable in his optics. “Yes, you are,” he said. “Goodnight, Starscream.”

He watched the Prime leave, still confused. “Goodnight, Prime.”

Starscream’s orbital ridge lowered. It must have been an Autobot thing, to be so cryptic.

How annoying.

For TalesAnon
Prompt: Sentinel Prime/Ratchet, caste system, rape

Fandom: Transformers Bayverse, DotM. Warnings: unwanted touching, noncon themes

Optimus was the only one glad to see Sentinel Prime alive and well. He missed everyone else’s exchanged looks, how Ironhide was so quick to make himself scarce and Bumblebee vanished faster than you could say ‘advanced scout.’

Ratchet himself didn’t bother. There was nowhere he could hide, nowhere he could escape the calling of his coding, the way it kept tugging him toward the doors behind which Sentinel sat.

He needed privacy, he’d claimed. He needed a moment to get his bearings.

And of course the first one he summoned was Ratchet.

Optimus didn’t know. How could he? Sentinel had been gone by the time he should have learned, and it was one lesson no one was willing to give him.

They liked Optimus. They loved Optimus. They did not want to hate Optimus.

But hating Sentinel?

That was all too easy.

Ratchet felt it building all over again. The disgust. The loathing. The hatred, building up in him like a red tide, even as he slid into the hangar Sentinel had claimed and looked up at the massive, old Prime.

“My Ratchet,” Sentinel purred, reaching for him and Ratchet could no more make himself stop than he could refuse.

It wasn’t in his coding.

His plating clamped down tight even as he made his expression neutral. He pulled his energy field in, despite how much he wanted to let his revulsion show. He shuddered on the inside, spark shrinking into a tight ball.

“I should have brought you with me,” Sentinel murmured as he drew Ratchet into his arms, into proximity, against his frame. The heat of him was nauseating. “I never should have denied myself your presence.”

“But then I wouldn’t have been here today to help Optimus wake your broken aft up,” Ratchet retorted because he could at least have this. He had to submit in frame, but Sentinel had always admired his spirit.

Sentinel cupped his face and pressed their forehelms together. “How true, my medic. How true.” His field rolled up and over, swallowing Ratchet whole. “I have missed you so,” he purred.

And it took everything Ratchet had not to purge.

a/n: Three down, twenty-eight more to go. I'm having fun with these. Stay tuned! and as always, feedback is welcome and appreciated!

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/316406.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

transformers: bayverse, transformers: idw, flash fiction fill, transformers: rid, transformers: prime, transformers, flash fiction

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