[IDW] Marry Me - Chapter Fourteen

Nov 09, 2015 14:36

Universe: IDW, MTMTE
Characters this chapter: Ultra Magnus/Swerve, Rodimus, Alien OCs, Lost Light ensemble
Rated M for this chapter for some tactile facing
In which Swerve and Minimus attend their reception and then afterward, consummate their marriage. Kind of. Also, Rodimus is treated to a startling revelation.
Commission Gift Fic for nothumanafterall.
Mood Music/Soundtrack - “In a World Like This,” Backstreet Boys

Marry Me - Chapter Fourteen
They were waylaid before they entered the reception hall. Minimus and Swerve both tensed, Rodimus just behind them, as half a dozen Exelons intercepted them. Rodimus' hands were on their shoulders and Minimus felt them tremble.

If the Exelons insisted on taking away Rodimus now, it would lead to a fight which would probably result in casualties on either side. Perhaps the destruction of the entire Lost Light. The Exelons could not know that the bomb was deactivated, but that wouldn't stop them from firing upon the spaceship.

Alarm rippled through Minimus' spark. He worked his intake and prepared to draw upon every last bit of training he'd had as Ultra Magnus.

“We would like to extend our congratulations to you both,” the Exelon in the lead said, knees dipping in a bow. Only then did Minimus notice the symbols adoring the Exelon's arms. He was a royal. “You two are truly in love.”

“Thank you,” Minimus replied with a dip of his own, a show of respect. Swerve mimicked him. “We appreciate the opportunity you allowed us. It would not have been possible without my captain.”

“Yes,” one of the other Exelons said, her voice cool. “Your captain. There is a certain matter of the debt he owes to us.”

The royal in the lead lifted a hand as though to forestall her commentary. “Let us not be rude and sour a happy occasion,” he said, voice far warmer and near-apologetic. “We have waited this long. Surely another few hours will not cause harm.”

Rodimus' hands tightened in their grip, nearly leaving a dent in Minimus' softer armor. The captain's field vibrated with agitation.

Minimus lowered his gaze. “Your lenience is a blessing, your highness. We would be grateful for the opportunity. He is not only our captain but a dear friend.”

“Then I think we can certainly allow it, as a favor and a gift for a couple as strong as yourselves.” The royal smiled, his eyes almost gentle and friendly, a welcome change from the near-violent looks the other Exelons offered. “We will enjoy celebrating with you as well.”

“We look forward to your joining us,” Minimus said.

“Thank you,” Rodimus added with a rush of ventilation. “You are very, very kind.”

The Exelon smiled again and preceded them into the reception, his guards and attendants crowding around him. The last tossed a glare over her shoulder, but said nothing.

Minimus would not breathe a sigh of relief until the Exelons were off the ship and the Lost Light was aiming for the stars.

“Don't worry,” Rodimus murmured, peeling his hands from their shoulders. “Megatron has a plan. Most of the Exelons will leave the party early. And for those who don't? He has another plan.”

Minimus looked over his shoulder, worry making his spark throb. “No killing,” he reminded Rodimus in a low tone.

If they killed anyone, the Exelons would make sure to come after the Lost Light. They might get angry about being unable to dispose of someone with a legitimate claim to the throne, but they would probably just let Rodimus go and put a warrant out for his arrest, should he return. But if they killed anyone? Nothing would stop the Exelons from seeking revenge.

Rodimus rolled his optics. “He knows. I've told him already. These are non-lethal. All of them. I made Perceptor double-check.”

Swerve sighed in relief, clutching at his chest. “Thank Primus.”

Minimus just wanted to get this over with. So he urged both Swerve and Rodimus into the reception hall. He immediately noticed that it was tightly packed and flush with bright lights and music. There was a dance floor yet again, Minimus made a mental note to take Swerve out on it, and there was a very large banner which read 'congratulations.' Well, after someone had crossed out the other announcements on it.

Was there only one banner in the entirety of the Lost Light?

Someone had set up a small table center stage and given the massive placecards, Minimus assumed it was meant for he and Swerve. Rodimus ushered them toward it, and they sat down, scrunched together. Minimus didn't mind being this close to Swerve, it was simply overwhelming.

Mechs and Exelons alike swung by to give them congratulations. Gifts were offered as well, something Minimus hadn't expected. There was not enough room on the table and they had to stack them under it and their chairs. Or stuff them in their subspace in some cases.

Tins of fancy wax from Smokescreen.

Cubes of flavored energon from Bluestreak, his own special blends that he was also hoping Swerve would start serving at his bar.

Flavored lubricant from Tailgate, whose faceplate was hot and colored, but no more so than Cyclonus who trailed along in Tailgate's wake obediently. Minimus was curious to see how that relationship would develop.

Then came Getaway and Skids, the former smirking and the latter vibrating with humor. Minimus was almost afraid to look in the box they brought, but Swerve had no such compunctions. He ripped open the box, only to squeak as he peered inside of it.

Minimus took a peek and felt his face flush hot. He was neither a virgin nor a prude, but it did seem inappropriate for these gifts to be given in a public venue. There were toys in the box, toys used for interfacing!

Swerve slammed the box shut and stammered a thank you. Minimus repeated it with a firm glare their direction.

Getaway gave them both a thumbs up and sauntered away. He and Skids highfived each other as they vanished into the crowd of dancers.

Rung brought by a couple of datapads, one filled with some of Minimus' favorite novels that he'd lost and the other programmed with Swerve's favorite game. Trust Rung to bring the most thoughtful gift.

And on and on it went.

At one point, Minimus had enough and popped up from their table. He took Swerve's hand and pulled him onto the dance floor. He was ridiculously pleased when Swerve's startled burst of confusion melted into utter happiness as they started to dance. This time, the beat was fast and they both made fools of themselves twisting and grinding around the dance floor.

Neither of them were any good at the fast dances.

But then the lights dimmed, the mood shifted as did the pace, and they were suddenly bathed in a spotlight.

It was time for their first dance as a couple, according to Blaster, and that was something Minimus could certainly do. He drew Swerve into his arms and they swayed together, much as they had that first time, that first dance, when Minimus first started to realize that his feelings for Swerve were much more complex than he could have ever expected.

They shared another kiss as a couple in the same way they shared their first dance, and it made Minimus' spark bloom with happiness. Each time kissing Swerve was hotter than the last, until it tested his resolve to wait until a more proper time. He kept his hands from wandering - they were in public after all - and when the song ended, he and Swerve bowed to a cheering audience.

Several dances later brought them back to their table, weary and thirsty. They sat and fed each other energon treats gifted to them by Hoist. They decided to enjoy their evening for what it was: a chance to get to know each other and enjoy each other.

They laughed with their friends. They enjoyed the music. They quietly celebrated with a very relieved Rodimus.

And one by one, the Exelons began to depart from the Lost Light.


“Go!” Rodimus all but shoved them out of the room and into the hallway.

Granted, it was pretty late, but still, the party was going strong. What would it look like if the newly married couple left?

Swerve wasn't exactly digging in his heels, but Minimus was reluctant to leave. Perhaps because he feared what would happen if he left Rodimus without any supervision. To be fair, he had a point.

“I promise. We have this well in hand and how weird would it look if we didn't send you two off to bond, huh?” Rodimus asked and with another push, they were outside the reception hall and in the corridor.

Rodimus flicked his hands at them. “Go.”

Minimus sighed. Swerve fought to hide his grin. Rodimus didn't yet know that a real relationship had developed. He couldn't wait to reveal that and see the look on Rodimus' face.

“Captain's orders,” Swerve said with a shrug. He offered Minimus his elbow. “Shall we?”

“Behave,” Minimus cautioned to his captain with a shake of his finger. “Yes, dear. Let's go. It is our wedding night after all.”

Swerve swallowed down a snicker and started down the corridor. He didn't look back at Rodimus, but he did hear the door shut behind them. He didn't know what Rodimus and Megatron's plan was and frankly, he didn't want to know. So long as it got the Exelons off the ship and the Lost Light off their planet.

“My habsuite is larger,” Minimus said as he patted Swerve's arm. “But if you'd be more comfortable...”

Swerve shook his head. “No. Your room's fine. It's better for couples anyway, right?”

“Right.” Minimus smiled at him and Swerve was pretty sure he'd never get over the sight of it.

“Was a good ceremony,” Swerve said, the memories bright at the back of his mind. He would cherish them for a long time, even if this didn't work out.

Minimus' field agreed with him. There was a soft joy within it that Swerve was glad to sense. Minimus deserved to be happy.

They made it to Ultra Magnus' habsuite and went inside, thankfully without encountering any of the crew. Most were probably still celebrating at the reception. The last two weeks had been nothing short of a vacation for the crew. They might as well enjoy it while it lasted.

“Um,” Swerve said as the door shut behind them and they were alone. “I know we're going to give this a try for real but--”

“We're not going to bond,” Minimus said. He squeezed Swerve's hand and pulled him toward the berth. “That is a very serious step and not to be taken lightly and there is no going back from that. There are things I'd rather tell you than you discover yourself and I'm sure you have your secrets as well.”

Swerve nodded. He let Minimus tow him onto the berth where they arranged themselves with a level of comfort that was both surprising and wonderful. Swerve stretched out first with Minimus snuggled against him, their fields intermingling.

It was even better when Minimus leaned close to him, his optics blue and bright. “Might I kiss you, Swerve?”

“You know you don't have to ask,” he said, his spark giving a flip of excitement. Especially when Minimus' hand rested ever so chaste on his chestplate.

“I know.” His hands petted a soft rhythm over Swerve's armor. “But I'm going to anyway. At least so long as we are still perpetuating this ruse.”

Swerve's internals warmed. He loved that Minimus was so considerate. “Thank you.”

“You are very welcome.”

Minimus kissed him.

Swerve didn't think much about anything else for awhile but the motion of Minimus against his frame and the taste and feel of Minimus' lips. Swerve's engine revved and heat pooled in his array, but he knew it wouldn't go any further than some kissing and heavy petting. As much as he looked forward to the idea of seeing Minimus flushed with pleasure and perhaps post-interface, Swerve agreed.

It was too soon.

That didn't mean they couldn't enjoy themselves or that Swerve couldn't map out Minimus' frame with his fingertips or learn the way that Minimus tasted. Sweet and tangy, by the way, like the energon goodies they'd been feeding each other. Their fingers were sticky, too, and Swerve giggled to himself.

Maybe in the morning they could share a washrack and scrub each other. He imagined helping Minimus back into the Magnus Armor, something he'd never seen Minimus do for himself.

“What has you so giddy?” Minimus asked against his lips.

Swerve shook his head. Both of his hands swept down Minimus' back. He hesitated at Minimus' hip before he lightly brushed over Minimus' aft. Feeling Minimus shiver above him was outright intoxicating.

“Just happy, I guess,” Swerve said. Heat flooded his frame with desire. His array stirred, valve slicking and spike swelling within its housing.

He kept both firmly locked down, however.

“We are remarkably fortunate,” Minimus agreed. His facial insignia tickled as he nibbled on the underside of Swerve's jaw. “Despite the unfortunate circumstance that led to us perpetuating this ruse, it had some a very positive outcome, for which I am grateful.”

Swerve wrapped his arms around Minimus and gave him a squeeze, half-tempted to tilt Minimus on his side and plant kisses all over tan and green armor. He could do that. He suspected Minimus wouldn't mind. But he didn't know if he could himself back down from doing more.

“Whatever happens, we can't tell Rodimus he is even partially to blame or thank,” Swerve said with a little laugh. “We'll never hear the end of it.”

Minimus chuckled. “How true.” He shivered when Swerve stroked his back again.

Swerve felt Minimus rock down against him. He felt the roll of Minimus' hips and the heat that wafted down against his frame. Minimus was getting just as charged as himself, a slow and steady climb that was almost sneaking up on him.

Swerve appreciated it.

“Oh, dear,” Minimus murmured. His fingers curled around the seams of Swerve's armor, pushing through to stroke the wire bundles beneath. “We seem to be approaching an impasse.”

Swerve forced his hands to still. His cooling fans hummed, spinning a little faster to dispel heat, but not so much he couldn't walk away if pressed. He was charged, could feel it licking at his substructure.

“I can leave,” Swerve offered, though his hands tightened on Minimus' hips. That wasn't what he wanted at all.

In fact, he wanted Minimus to get back to the business of kissing him. It was at once teasing and intoxicating. Swerve was mildly buzzed from all the engex and sweets and he didn't want anything about this evening to end.

“No,” Minimus murmured, his lips moving from the curve of Swerve's jaw back to his lips. His optics glowed a febrile blue in the dim. “You should stay. We could... continue?”

“I thought it was too soon?” Swerve asked. Not out of protest, oh no, but because it was polite. Because he wanted Minimus to know that he remembered and wasn't conveniently forgetting for the sake of pleasure.

He didn't want to screw anything up between them.

“It is.” Minimus' hips danced above his, a light scrape of metal on metal that sent resonating purrs through Swerve's entire frame. “But this amounts to... to what Ratchet would call heavy petting, yes? Tactile play?”

Swerve liked where this was going. His hands stroked up and down, from Minimus' shoulders to his aft and back again.

“Closed panels?” he suggested.

Minimus shivered again and charge nipped at Swerve's fingertips, little electric nibbles of Swerve's dermal net. “Yes,” he murmured and he pressed his forehead to Swerve's. “That is, if you are not opposed?”

Opposition was the furthest from Swerve's mind. This was practically self-service. No panels would be opened. No armor removed. No vulnerabilities revealed. Just some touching, some kissing, and the expulsion of extra charge. Why, it was practically medical necessity. Too much charge could cause damage after all.

“Not one bit,” Swerve said. He slid a hand up, cupped the back of Minimus' head, and pressed their mouths together.

He moaned as Minimus' glossa slid into his mouth, warm and sweet. Swerve rolled up against Minimus, the slide of their frames together producing another wave of charge. His array tingled, pinging him for release, and Swerve denied it.

He deepened the kiss, sweeping his glossa along the interior of Minimus' mouth, mapping it as best he could. Minimus caught his glossa and sucked on it and Swerve moaned again, well able to imagine Minimus' mouth on his spike. And Primus, even his own. He imagined pinning Minimus to the berth, teasing his panel open, and wrapping his lips around Minimus' spike. Or Magnus'. Did the armor even have interfacing systems?

Question for another time.

Right now, he had Minimus above him, armor slipping and sliding against Swerve's. Minimus radiated heat. Charge danced out from beneath his plating to nip at Swerve's, lighting up the dim of the room with static discharge.

He felt Minimus give a little shiver, heard the quiet noises that Minimus made, and Swerve's arousal doubled in intensity. His hands swept up and down Minimus' back, tracing every nook and cranny. He drew patterns in the curls of static that rose in his wake.

Minimus moved over him as though he were dancing, frame trembling with rising charge. He eased off the kiss to suck on Swerve's lips and then trailed kisses over Swerve's jaw and to his intake.

Swerve tipped his head back. He shook as warm nips on his neck cables made him twitch. His cooling fans roared, heat pulsing out from his frame. He could hear the quieter whirr of Minimus' fans. He tasted the rising desire in Minimus' field.

He never imagined that this would happen, that it could be possible. The gentle and steady climb toward overload left him feeling as though he were floating. Swerve's hands clamped down on Minimus' hips as he rocked upward with his own, closed and locked panels scraping together. The vibrations carried through their armor and resonated against his interfacing components.

Swerve lost all semblance of control. He tossed his head back and overloaded with a sharp intake. His entire frame tensed and lit up with charge. He groaned a string of syllables and hoped Minimus could recognize them as his name.

Above him, Minimus moaned. His face pressed to Swerve's intake and he shook. His fingers clamped on the edge of a transformation seam and held tight. He followed Swerve over, pleasure bursting in his field and the little squeak he released was beyond adorable.

Swerve held him through the tremors of overload, his own frame shaking. He was so deliriously happy, he was afraid to let go.

Minimus dragged his face out from his hiding place and pressed his lips briefly to Swerve's. He rebooted his vocalizer audibly. “See?” he said. “P-perfectly chaste.”

Swerve laughed. “Semantics.”

Minimus grinned and kissed him again.

It couldn't get any better than this.


The sound of a lock being overridden was what woke Minimus from recharge. He forced his entire frame into a fast boot and peered toward the door. Swerve stirred in his arms and mumbled something hazy before trying to snuggle back in and return to recharge.

It was adorable.

Minimus couldn't take the time to indulge because he heard the successful beep and click of a lock being opened. He had a second to prepare himself before Rodimus came striding into the room, hands over his head, and his intake free and clear of the collar.

“Morning, Sunshine!” he declared. “Guess who's bomb free and ready to--” Rodimus drew up short, one foot lifted as he prepared to step down. His optics locked on the berth. “Um. Am I actually interrupting something?”

To be fair, Minimus and Swerve were intimately entangled. Their panels had stayed attached all night and there were no fluids to speak of, but their frame language was not that of two friends platonically sharing a berth.

Minimus rubbed his face and extricated himself from Swerve's arms. “Rodimus, have a seat. We need to talk.”

“Uh.” Rodimus' optics flicked between Minimus and Swerve, who was still snoozing, and backed toward the chair. It was far too large for him and he looked lost as he flopped down into it. “About what?”

Minimus perched on the edge of the berth and tried to chase away the last of the recharge sleepiness. “There are developments between Swerve and I. Developments we could not have expected.”

Rodimus blinked. “Wait,” he said slowly, realization dawning. “Are you fragging telling me that Megatron was right and I now owe him a month of good behavior?”

“Megatron? Where!?”

Swerve bolted upright, his field flaring. His visor went bright with alarm and Minimus swiveled to lay a hand on Swerve's arm, calming him.

“Not here,” Minimus said, swallowing down his amusement. “It's just Rodimus, more than a little surprised to come in and find us sharing a berth.”

Swerve's head turned, recognizing Rodimus. His faceplated heated and he dragged himself into a sitting position next to Minimus. “Surprised? He's the one who sent us here.”

“Yeah, so that the Exelons wouldn't get suspicious before we could boot them off, not because I thought you were actually fragging,” Rodimus sputtered.

“Rodimus!” Minimus snapped, giving his captain a glare. “Watch your language. And while it's none of your business, we were not... we are not ready for that level yet.”

Rodimus blinked and palmed his face. His spoiler fluttered. “I can't believe Megatron was right. You two hooked up for real. I told him it was impossible. That you two were just really good actors. And here you are, legit sharing a berth, and I owe Megatron a month of good behavior. Do you have any idea how long he's going to hold that over my head? How smug he's going to be?”

Minimus planted his hands on his hips and stared at his captain. “Is that all you have to say? You're more concerned with some... some bet you lost?”

Rodimus waved a dismissive hand. “No, no. Of course not. I mean, yay. Good for you. So glad you're happy.” He paused and his gaze whipped toward them. “Wait. Does that mean you're not going to go through with the annulment?”

Swerve's hand slipped into his. Minimus looked at him with a shared smile.

“No,” Minimus answered. “Not anytime soon. We want to see where this takes us.”

Swerve's field flooded with joy. He squeezed Minimus' hand.

“Wow,” Rodimus breathed, his optics cycling wider. “I never would have guessed. Um. Congratulations, I suppose. You really need your honeymoon now, don't you?”

Minimus' lips curved into a smile. “If you can spare us. We'd like the opportunity to get to know one another without the threat of your death hanging over our heads.”

“That was kind of a mood-killer,” Swerve sighed.

Rodimus chuckled. “Yeah. I'll bet.” He slapped his thighs and pushed to his feet. He looked at them again with a shake of his head. “So we told everyone your honeymoon was two weeks so let's just go with that. Afterward, we gotta quest to complete.”

“Works for me,” Swerve said.

“That does sound like a plan,” Minimus agreed.

Rodimus scratched at his chin. “Good then. That's, uh, really good. So I'll just be going now. And you two can go back to whatever it was you were doing. I don't want to know the details.”

“Don't make it sound so lewd,” Minimus chastised.

Swerve laughed.

Rodimus waved his hands and backed toward the door. “I don't want to know. I really don't. So you two enjoy your two weeks and I'll go tell Megatron the good news.”

Rodimus excused himself before Minimus could form a retort. Shaking his head, Minimus turned back toward Swerve.

“That went well, at least,” he said. “Rodimus can be embarrassingly dense sometimes.”

“While Megatron is weirdly perceptive apparently.” Swerve laughed. He leaned in close, pressing his forehead to Minimus'. “So. Two weeks, huh? What are we going to do with ourselves?”

Minimus rested his hand on Swerve's thigh and stroked lightly upward. “I'm sure we'll think of something,” he purred.


a/n: Winding down to the end. Even more fluff coming. Prepare your toothbrushes. ^_^

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated!
This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/314456.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

commission fic, transformers: idw, commission, transformers, marry me, transformers: mtmte

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