Outstanding October

Oct 01, 2015 17:05

September went a LOT better than I expected. I met all but one of my goals so I'm going to consider that a success! Which means I'm racing into October feeling a lot more excited about the universe. \o/

What's on tap, you might wonder? Well. Here's what I plan on working on the most, with great emphasis on the revision of my original novel In Darkness Dwells so I can hopefully get that published before the year is out. *fingers crossed*

Writing On Deck: 
  1. Revise In Darkness Dwells
  2. Edit In Darkness Dwells
  3. Add four chapters to Reign/Salvage
  4. Finish Rodimus/Starscream, Play By Numbers by half
  5. Finish Original F/F Short Story for Anthology
  6. Complete two chapters of The Art of Self Destruction
  7. Begin working on my website rebuild
  8. Finish Bluestreak/Jazz oneshot
  9. Pick my NaNoWriMo fic.
And of real interest, the Posting On Deck:
  1. Marry Me, chapters 9-12
  2. Oubliette, chapter 9-13
  3. Cygate Gift Fic
  4. Critical Mass, Chapter Fourteen
  5. Truth in Advertising, chapters 17 and 18
  6. Despicable Me, chapter one
  7. Give It a Whirl, Sunstreaker/Whirl oneshot
I'm also going to work very heavily on any commissions I might get (or have!) as those take precedence. I got bills to pay after all. ^_^ More posting includes the rest of the flash fics I have. No, there won't be a FFF in October, but there will be one in November to help me boost my NaNo word count.

And that's it for October. Questions about any of my ongoing fics are currently welcome, especially if all you want to do is poke me about the status of them. ^_^
This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/307713.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

monthly tasks

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