Jaunty June

Jun 01, 2015 17:55

How is it June already? Do you realize we're almost halfway done with the year??? Sheesh.

Anyway, May started with a whimper but ended with a bang. Wahoo! I finished not one but two of my yearly goals which now puts me ahead a month. Go me!

So let's keep that momentum rolling into June. What do I have planned? First, Flash Fic Friday is June 12th so mark your calendars! Secondly:
  • Quisling, next series part of War of the Animum
  • Continued working on my long fic commission, "Oubliette"
  • Bluestreak/Jazz BDSM oneshot
  • Jazz's POV Dear Lies Piece
  • Knock Out/Smokescreen oneshot, sequel to "Seasons to Cycles"
Of course, I'll also be putting any commissions I might get ahead of the pack. I don't have any right now, but if you'd like to commission me, here are the Terms and Conditions.

In the meantime, expect these updates (plus anything else I might happen to bang out) for your reading pleasure!
  • Critical Mass Chapter 10
  • Insoluble Part VII (Final part before sequel)
  • Numerology 07 - Seventh Heaven
  • Apple a Day 17 - Exclusive Rights
  • Art of Self Destruction Ch 16 - Old Friends
  • Win-Win (A Sides/Sunny fluffy ficlet)
  • War Without End Epilogue - Ratchet's POV
And as always, feel free to ask about any fic I haven't mentioned to see the current status of it. This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/289407.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

monthly tasks

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