April Showers

Apr 01, 2015 10:00

Wow. April already. March went by just as quickly as January and February for me. I did manage to accomplish a few things though. My first commission ever! (Thank you, Jenn!) and I got a new commission at the end of the month (Thank you, NK!). Huzzah! I also managed to get the first edits of Monster done, and had it sent out for review. Now I'm just drafting, editing, and formatting. I also got all the Valentines BDSM prompts edited and posted and extended. Along with a couple fics I owed some valued readers. Phew.

April is sure to be even more busy.

First and foremost, I'm focusing on this commission. It's a good one. I'm going to have a blast with this. But yearly list wise? Hmmm. That's a toughie. Might try and bang out those updates to Numerology. Or possibly work on Draft Two of A Tale of Two Geeks. I also might skip around and work on a little bit of everything, but I'm going to focus on the above.

I also hope to work on Despicable Me, which is another update to the TFP Ratchet/Starscream series. And I have some War Without End shorts I want to get done, too. Another Bluestreak/Jazz oneshot. Another update to The Art of Self-Destruction and Truth in Advertising. But those are just things to work on here and there if I need to shift gears for awhile.

Got lots of updates coming. Apple a Day. Critical Mass. All the Flash Fiction for March. Another for the Bumper Cars series, Insoluble, a slice of Dragonship (more on that to come later).

Flash Fiction Friday is supposed to be April 10th but I may have to postpone it until May depending on how busy Real Life is. Spring is busy-busy for the mortgage business.


Draco's working on Numerology and A Tale of Two Geeks for April. There may or may not be a Flash Fic Friday, and there are lots and lots of updates to come this month.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Why isn't your favorite fic getting updated? Just ask and I'm happy to answer. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/279802.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.
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