NaNo Victory!

Nov 30, 2014 10:17

Huzzah!! I did it!

That's 35,133 words of East of Eden (42534 actually, but I'd had 7401 already written) and 15,833 of assorted fanfictions for a grand total of.....
51,016 words. Phew! For awhile there, I didn't think I would make it but I did. Go me!

Now expect to see more little fics trickle in as I edit and post. Flash Fiction Friday will return on December 5th. I'm currently jobless so I'm hoping that means lots and lots of writing time, that is when I'm not job hunting and interviewing.

Big thanks to everyone who provided prompts and encouragement. I did manage to fill every single prompt given to me (save one which is still in progress because it decided it's not a little fic, it's a long one) so be looking for those.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.


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