[G1] With Benefits - Epilogue

Jun 27, 2014 18:22

a/n: Arguably the most SFW piece in this series and still not quite there. :) Please enjoy the last installment.

Title: With Benefits
Universe: G1
Description: Optimus is about to have a very good day; he just doesn't know it yet. Inspired by this kinkmeme prompt.

Characters: JazzxOptimus
Enticements: mentions of past smut and intentions to smut

Optimus onlines slowly, his systems booting with a languid ease that suggests he's very, very relaxed. There's a languor in his frame, a willingness to linger in his berth and continue to enjoy the memories.

He unshutters his optics, fully expecting to find himself alone, and is pleasantly surprised to find that one of his berth partners had chosen to stay. He should have known.

“Mornin',” Jazz drawls from where he's perched quite cheekily on Optimus' chassis, his hands folded under his chin. “Recharge well?”

Optimus cycles a long ventilation, arms rising up to wrap around his third in command. He tilts, tipping them onto their sides, so he can snuggle Jazz better and is relieved when the notorious saboteur doesn't try to squirm away. It can be hit or miss with Jazz sometimes. Confinement can be a touchy subject unless taken in small doses.

“I'll take that as a yes,” Jazz says with a laugh, shifting to get comfortable but otherwise not protesting.

Optimus shutters his optics, content to lie there. “I know that I have you to thank for yesterday.”

“Guilty as charged.” Jazz's field pushes against his, warm with affection. “It was Boss Appreciation Day, you know.”

Optimus onlines his optics. “What?”

“A human thing. I thought it was a good excuse.” Jazz laughs, arm sliding over Optimus' side and pulling him closer. “Not that we needed one. And you deserve it, too.”

That's debatable but Optimus has learned not to contradict Jazz when it comes to his own accomplishments and faults.

“How on Earth did you convince everyone to participate?” he asks.

Jazz laughs again, amusement rich in his tone. “I didn't have to convince anyone. I'd barely made the suggestion before everyone argued over who was going to do what and when and how.” He reaches up, tapping Optimus' chestplate. “We love ya, boss. Haven't you figured that out yet?”

“I am learning to recognize it,” Optimus says, pressing his forehelm against Jazz's. “And I strive to be worthy of that affection every day.”

Jazz's field pulses warmth at him. “That's why we love ya, boss. I might be willin' to admit that I have my fair share of affection, too.”

Optimus smiles. “So I gathered. I admit I hold affection for you as well.”

“Of course you do. I'm just that lovable.” Jazz tips his helm back and grins.

“That you are.” Optimus chuckles. “I am curious. Did you ask Mirage to follow me around and record everyone or did he make that choice himself?”

Jazz's visor brightens with amusement. “He did it himself.” His grin widens. “Tell me he sent you copies.”

“Of all but last night with the four of you,” Optimus says, unable to hide his smug tone. Of course, that is when his inbox chooses to chime at him, and a quick peek reveals the waiting message and attached video. “Wait. I stand corrected. Yes, the entire day.”

Jazz's field vibrates with curiosity. “Sneaky noble. Are you going to share the goods or am I going to have to beg?”

“I do like the sound of you begging,” Optimus teases, rolling so that he blankets Jazz's body with his own, feeling the heat rising from Jazz's frame in slow curls. He nudges a knee between Jazz's, one hand toying with the saboteur's chestplate and bumper.

Jazz's engine rumbles a soft purr. “A bargain then?” he says, one leg rising to slide along the outside of Optimus', a burr of metal on metal. “One overload per video?”

“You'll keep me in the berth all morning at that rate,” Optimus replies, dipping down to steal a kiss from his third-in-command. Their glossas meet with a brief flash of static and a moan rises in his chassis.

“I'm failing to see where that's a bad thing,” Jazz says around the kiss, hands rising to sweep over Optimus' chestplate, dipping into the seam between windshields.

“You wouldn't,” Optimus retorts and then says nothing else as he busies his mouth with sucking on Jazz's sensory horns, making the smaller mech writhe and moan beneath him.

He supposes he'll have to emerge from his quarters eventually. He can't take two days off after all. But if there's one thing yesterday taught him, it's that it is all right to indulge every once in a while.

All of his Autobots deserve every second of his gratitude. Jazz, especially. And Optimus is going to prove it.


a/n: I know I missed some Autobots here and there and a few opportunities. Like the Aerialbots. And the Protectobots. I purposefully avoided the Dinobots because I wasn't sure I could capture them in a way that would satisfy me. There were probably others, too. I tried to hit the highlights at least.

That Jazz, he's a sneaky one. Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this, my second attempt at fulfilling a kinkmeme prompt. I think it tipped away from the mark a little. Just a smidge. :)

Feedback is always welcome and appreciated.

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/252714.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

series: with benefits, transformers: g1, transformers

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