The Seeker

Apr 11, 2014 08:16

Great news everyone! My original fiction The Seeker is now available for purchase in both print and digital through Amazon! Excitement all around. I would be pleased as punch if anyone felt like taking a look at it or even buying a copy. I'm publishing it myself so all of the royalties come straight to me so you'd be helping out a starving artist and in the meantime, hopefully buying something you can enjoy as well.

Category: General Fantasy
Page Count: ~119pages
Rated: PG-13 for fantasy-typical violence and language

It was marked as the end of an era and the beginning of a new age. It was a sign that Normaud had advanced from its history of barbarism and deceit. The Seeker abandoned her sword and shield, ending a line that had served the monarchy for centuries.

Now, decades later, someone has taken the heirs of Normaud. Only she can find them, emerging from her self-imposed retirement to take up the blade once more.

Normaud's enemies are many, and time is against her, but the Seeker will do what she must to see the heirs restored to their rightful place, even if it means surrendering her own life.

Purchase Information:

Softcover Print: $8.99

Createspace :: Amazon

Digital Print (E-book): $3.99

Amazon :: Den of Debauchery
Special thanks to K.B. Moody for the gorgeous cover art. She can be reached at and she's still taking commissions as far as I know.

Much appreciation given to Azar, my brain-twin, for the initial plot bunny.

Great big thanks to ladydragon76 for the content read-through and advice.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

original fiction

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