April at a Glance

Apr 01, 2014 13:31

March was busy and successful. I'm rather proud of that. So what's on tap for April?

I have only a handful of paragraphs to wrap up With Benefits so I plan on finishing it and then I dive right into Wayward Sons Act III since that's my BigBang fic and I haven't even started it. *wince* First check in is April 15th so I need to get on the ball. I may touch War Without End as well since all I have left is Sideswipe's part and Ratchet's epilogue.

Also, April is my official Prompt Palooza month and that post will go up tomorrow. Basically, it's similar to flash fiction Friday only instead of leaving one prompt, you leave as many as you like. I guarantee I will write at least one of them, and if the muses are kind, perhaps more. The posting is open all month so if you think of one later, you can throw it up there, too.

Expect to see some more posting as I've got to finish up my RatchetxStarscream TFP series, Indivisible, and posting With Benefits.

Be looking for my post on my published work The Seeker which should be arriving sometime this week as soon as I get the final cover art, finalize my document, and get everything uploaded to my satisfaction. Excitement!

As always, questions about works in progress are welcome. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/245971.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.
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