October in Overview

Oct 01, 2013 10:59

Phew. September has come and gone. I feel like I blinked and missed it. 2013 is more than half over and I feel like I sneezed and missed most of that. Where is time going? Alas.

Anyway. What's on tap for October, you ask? Last month, I successfully completed WWE: Skywarp, an update to the Numerology 'verse (Batman and Superman, which I need to edit before I post), and a couple of WWE side-fics which also need to be edited.

For October, I think I'm going to stay in the swing of things and keep working on War Without End. Drift isn't really talking to me but Sunstreaker's gotten impatient so I'll work on his part first. I started an update to Apple a Day so I'll try to finish that, too. I have two more pieces in the Coping Mechanisms series (the one that's predominantly Bluestreak/Jazz) that need to be typed up, and a Drift/Bluestreak PWP that needs to be finished up, too. Somewhere in there, I might find time to work on Critical Mass or With Benefits. *fingers crossed* since free time is coming at a premium now. I'm working longer hours and taking on side jobs to help cover some unexpected costs which means less writing time. So updates from me will slow to a trickle, I'm sad to say.

In other news, my original livejournal/dreamwidth are ready to go live. From now on, I'll be posting all updates and authorial ramblings on my original verses on those journals:
n_wilkinson and n_wilkinson. October is the month right before NaNo, so it's the month where I choose the fic I'm going to work on and get it plotted out, researched, and ready to go. I'll either be working on Fugue of Shadows, the sequel to Requiem of Janus, an untitled Superhero fic, or Break of Day Part II. I'll talk more about this in my original journals. I hope to see some of you there! :)

This entry was originally posted at http://dracoqueen22.dreamwidth.org/235349.html. Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

ramblings, update

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