March in Overview

Mar 01, 2013 13:20

Primus, f-list. It's March already. Where the frag is 2013 going? Is anyone else feeling the crunch of time?

So far, on my yearly resolutions, I've completed two of them, and half-completed another two. And time is running steadily down. Phew.

March is War Without End month! Why? Because Azar's gonna have time to edit in April, so I'm writing as much of WWE as I can so she has plenty to edit in April, so you guys can start seeing updates in May. *grins* I've finished Prowl, I'm about halfway done with Thundercracker, I'm a third done with Lennox, and I've plotted out Skywarp, Drift, Bumblebee, and Optimus'. Sideswipe's is gonna finish up the fic so I'm working on plotting his.

Interspersed with that, I'm going to try and finish up more of One More Night, my Hot RodxTracks fic that was supposed to be a short oneshot, but has now evolved into a two, possibly three part fic that's already over 19K words. I'm also working on Apple a Day. I just finished another update for it and I'm currently contemplating where it's going to go next. I have zilch ideas so I need to be hit by the muses somehow. :)

My poll resulted in a tie between both Critical Mass and Castle of Glass. *laughs* Azar's voting for Castle of Glass but unless she sits down with me and helps me plot it out, I'll probably work on Critical Mass (I do have seven chapters already written, I just want to get more done before I start posting it, I promise you, I've not abandoned it.)

Original-wise, I'm editing through War of the Animum and working on Interlude, which is the next piece of the series. I should start posting Wolf in the Fold as soon as the re-edits are done and posted.

I've finally plotted out Nycthemeron and that'll probably be my focus for April. Or for NaNoWriMo. I'm not sure which yet.

I've also figured out my plot humps in Shady Hill so I need to get that finished, edited, reviewed by some nice volunteer, and then submitted for publishing if anyone's interested in publishing it.

I'm sure there will be some random oneshots posted in there, too. I've got a bunch of series awaiting oneshot sequels and who knows when I'll randomly get inspired to pick them up. :)

Phew. Endless babble. So there's March in a nutshell. Busy, busy.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

critical mass, series: war without end, series: apple a day

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