[G1] Rumor Has It - RatchxTwins

Oct 02, 2012 23:08

a/n: So there was a fic exchange. fuzipenguin wrote me the wonderful Went Too Far and I give her this monstrous piece of comedy smut that I can only hope measures up to the awesomeness that was her gift to me.

Title: Rumor Has It
Universe: G1, pre-episode one
Characters: RatchetxTwins, Wheeljack, Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Jazz/Blaster, Ensemble of passing mentions
Word Count: ~ 27,000
Rating: M
Warnings: mechslash, sticky, twincest, humor, threesome
Description: Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's reputation precedes them. Amusingly, so does Ratchet's.

a/n: For fuzipenguin's fic trade prompt: Transformers, any continuity. Ratchet/Twins, inexperience. I'm picturing the scenario that the Twins have a pretty huge reputation of sexual conquests that follows them as they join the Autobot unit with Ratchet. They meet Ratchet on their first physical and instantly want to have a relationship with him. They want to court him but are totally clueless how to go about it and even when they finally get Ratchet into the berth they're a little clueless there too because they've never actually *had* any sexual experiences in the past. Virginal!Twins for the win!

And because I'm lazy and don't feel like spamming your inboxes with multiple updates as I split this up into four or five parts that would fit on livejournal, you can read it at the following locations:

Archive of Our Own
Dream of Dragons

Comment wherever you like. Here. There. Everywhere. Nowhere. :)

transformers: g1, transformers, commissions

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