Art Pimpage

Aug 23, 2012 19:35

So recently I posted a pic of something my sister bought for me. Now I'm posting some pics of some stuff she's made herself. She's incredibly talented, though perhaps that's only family talking. :) But I thought I'd share some of her work here. Most of these, as far as I'm aware, are for sale though I'd recommend contacting her for prices and stuff.

Prepare for pic deluge, all nicely put under the cut to save your f-list. There's some Bleach here. And Transformers.And Earthbound (a video game).

This first piece is a hand-painted box with the character Coyote Stark from Bleach. This one's not for sale as it was intended as a gift for my brain-twin but it is a great example of the kind of work she does. And I do believe she's intending to take commissions.

This second piece is from the old Super Nintendo video game Earthbound. It's a hand-sewn plush that's keychain sized. It's a Mr. Saturn, one of the NPC species that live in Saturn Valley.

This third piece is also from Earthbound. It's another hand-sewn plush that's keychain sized. It's of the Bubble Monkey, a rather cute NPC that you give a piece of bubblegum, too and it helps you ride Nessie (the Loch Ness monster).

This fourth piece is from Transformers and I'm sure you all recognize who. :) Just in case, I'll tell you. It's a G1 Ratchet flat mini-plush that I asked her to make for me. It's her first attempt so it's a little wonky (in her opinion) and she intends to redo it and work out the kinks. Personally, I find it utterly adorable and can't wait to get my hands on it.

This last one is another piece from Transformers and it's Ratchet. The design is similar to the puggles that callykarishokka makes on deviantart though my sis has put her own twist on it. I asked my sis to see if she could make one for me because I wanted one so badly and she was eager to take the challenge. My little Ratchet is far flatter and more pancake-shaped than the puggles but I like it better this way. He's so adorable! She's not going to be selling these, by the way.

She's got other things, too, but I want to get some good pictures of them so I can put them on here. Including more Earthbound, some original pieces, another Bleach, some Justice League, etc.

You can find her on deviantart if you want to contact her about prices and the like.
This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment wherever you find most convenient.

art, transformers, bleach

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