New Film: Tread Softly! For you Tread on our Dreams!

Jul 29, 2010 14:17

A film by Iosu Vakerizzo

Tread Softly! For you Tread on our Dreams!” is a thought provoking surrealist film about a traveling musician and a circus performer infatuated with the same woman, on a quixotic quest to complete a bizarre Norwegian spell of invisibility.

“Tread Softly!” is a film about a quickly disappearing way of life, superstition, TV worshippers, dwarfs, mad poets, bizarre spells, delusion, people with no legs, hypnosis, gypsies, fortune tellers, love, ritualistic sacrifice, tramps, invisible dogs, and much more.

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This fantastical film’s inspiration began in 2007, when actor and filmmaker Karen Nikgol showed Iosu Vakerizzo an ancient Norwegian book of spells. One of the spells was so absurd and complicated that Iosu was determined to include it in a film. “Tread Softly! For you Tread on our Dreams!” is an anarchic film full of superstition, subtle humor, beautiful imagery and strange atmospheres. It provides a hypnotic look into a world where self-delusion merges with magic and lore.

The two protagonists go on a quest to find a raven’s nest, necessary to complete the Norwegian spell of invisibility they found in an ancient book. Once the ridiculous spell has been performed, it doesn’t work, but our friends have become so suggestible in the quest that the spell works in their eyes. The only problem is that it doesn’t in anybody else’s!

The film was partially inspired by the work of Milton H. Erickson, who explained that hypnosis is a natural phenomenon and an everyday occurrence. He could hypnotize people while they were awake and unaware of it, often through a simple handshake or through carefully controlling the tone of his voice. “Tread Softly!” deals with self delusion from an Ericksonian point of view.

The film deals with several subjects including obsession, delusion, brainwashing, and an anachronistic way of life. It is by no means limited to these, however; the multiple layers to the film should ensure it stands to repeated viewing and different interpretations.

“Tread Softly!” is nearly complete. Vakerizzo has shot 60-70% of the film and although until now the entire project was self-funded, he has now decided to give his audience a chance to get involved by adopting a crowd funding model for the final part of the production. In exchange for contributions (to be used to cover the travel, food, and accommodation expenses of some of the actors), Vakerizzo is offering rewards ranging from a simple mention on the film’s credits to DVDs, soundtracks, and more. If you are interested in helping to fund this curious film, you can contact the team via or phone them at 07793955706.

The film is expected to be released to festivals in December 2010. I look forward to writing a review once it finally comes out!

If you would like two free MP3s from the soundtrack, simply send your request by entering your email on the film website. Shortly you will receive an email with download links and more.

press release, movie

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