A crazy random conversation I had...

Nov 15, 2009 02:08

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: This user has encountered an error. [Abort] [Retry] [Fail]
Stranger: heyy m 18 looking for a bit of fun on cam, with a girl obviously :)
Stranger: fail
Stranger: fail
Stranger: fail
Stranger: fail
Stranger: ?
You: This user has encountered an error. [Abort] [Retry] [Fail]
Stranger: abort
You: This user has encountered an error. [Abort] [Retry] [Fail]
Stranger: retry
You: Hi!
Stranger: ok now?
You: Yes thanks.
Stranger: good
Stranger: howdy stranger
You: 'preciate it, really I do. That's an awful loop to be stuck in.
Stranger: uh..
Stranger: yeah
You: Trust me, you do NOT want to go there.
Stranger: err
Stranger: k
You: When you fail man....it's hardcore....like shrink your balls to the size of rasins hardcore.
Stranger: lol
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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