Feb 13, 2009 23:29
I don't hate it as far as the concept of the holiday goes. Celebrate love.
I think that is a great and noble thing to do. Love.
I dislike the degree of commercialism that the holiday usually has.
So why does it upset me that I know nothing's going to happen tomorrow special because they don't celebrate valentines day in this country. It comes and it goes and no-one really pays it any mind.
I've never really had a valentines day that I remember. I believe I recall recieving roses once. Nothing really memorable, or romantic. This is the first one that i'll have been married for though. That's special. But romance....
I want that every so often. I feel its lack. Don't get me wrong its not like I don't get romanced. Richard did come home with flowers a couple of weeks ago. He's such a sweet thing. I'm so glad I married him.
So everyone, celebrate those you love tomarrow. Go out and do something special, bring him/her a rose. Surprise him/her with dinner. Bring him/her breakfast in bed. Some of you might even spare a thought for me. I know I'll be thinking of you. Miss you.
love valentine