another year closer to death

Dec 11, 2005 02:52

Yes that's right, on the 9th of December our dear friend Jonnie turned 27... again. We had fun today, had bardic circle and I'm still working on more songs to add to my originals folder. Though he said next time I stop by I better have my guitar or he'll send me home to go get it. Other than that it was a fun night hanging out with friends, getting to know everyone a little better as well. Still agravated with work and probably going to get more agravated as Christams draws closer. Still lonely but starting to deal better. Starting to actually use my friends for one of the reasons they're friends; you know the whole lean on me thing, so I'm doing a little better, getting a little closer to Riff and solidifying that brotherhood I've sensed I should have with him and feeling better because of it. I like having close friends just for this reason, on the off chance I actually need some emotional help they can support me as I them on so many occasions if only to say "hey, I'm there for you man". Hopefully if the gods are kind my life should be picking back up in a couple a weeks. I still have faith and right now thats one of the few things still keeping me going. At least I can say I'm dealing with it better. Need more upswings in life cause I really don't like being dark angry and brooding, even if it is one my deep seeded defining qualities that no one normally notices. Well, it's late and I wolk 1 to 9 tomorrow, yes tomorrow as I haven't gone to sleep yet. Good night and sweet dreams from the crazy and insane rantings of a cracked mind of a dragon. >:}-~
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