Sore, Star Trek, Spock

May 20, 2009 13:43

Long time no post. I have been working so much, I haven’t had much of a chance to just sit down and write about how much I have been working. I have just about enough time in my day t twitter. Omg, I twitter way too much. It’s not an addiction…I can live without it…I can quit any time...*sweats after not tweeting in 20 minutes*

So what have I been up to? Hooping, for one. Muscles in my body I didn’t even realize I had are stiff and hurting me, and I have bruises all over my body, causing people to grow concerned. I don’t know which would be worse for people to think; that I am getting the crap beat out of me by a boyfriend….or a child’s toy. I can say that I am improving (very slowly) but hooping is one of those things that will hurt because you're not doing it right, and one day you just get it, and it suddenly doesn’t hurt, and it feels so easy that you wonder how you could have ever struggled in the first place. And then you feel dumb. I’m not at that point yet. Mostly I’m just looking dumb.

Working on my belly dancing. Not happy with my class. I signed up for a “beginner” class, thinking I would go there for an hour each week, learning in that time different moves and how to best execute them. I was assuming I would learn shimmies, and steps, and arm placement. Maybe some history, some information about costuming, etc. instead, I joined a class that is just a woman, Nadia, teaching specific dance steps to a dance she wants us to learn. I come in, and on my first day, without knowing a damn thing, she wants me to just join in where I could. I just looked at what the other women were doing and tried to copy them. I had no guidance, no demonstration or explanation as to how to do any of it. I mean, if all I was going to do was watch and mimic, with no feedback or correction, I could have bought a fucking belly dance DVD and just copied the women in my living room and saved myself the frustration of Nadia yelling at me when I don’t pick up a new step in 5 minutes of her “showing” it to us. I wanted to learn how to shimmy, how to move my arms, how to belly dance…not learn the sequential steps in a singular dance I am expected to perform in august. Wtf! I can’t use anything I learned outside that curriculum, all I know are 15 steps and their order.
Not pleased, that is what I am.

One thing I am pleased with is Star Trek.
I have seen it 3 times, once at the imax, and that movie ROCKS! I have always loved Spock, but it has always been a dirty little secret of mine. Now I’m letting the whole world know. I LOVE MR. SPOCK!
My mum and dad are trekkies, but I was always into Star Wars. I grew up with ST, however. The original show, Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Enterprise….so I did like it and know the characters. I took my dad to see Star Trek the Saturday it came out (secretly wanting to see it myself but forced to wear a SW t-shirt to hide my enthusiasm) and omg that movie blew me away. It was so good! And Spock….mr. spock….*gets dizzy* my knees are weak, he has nerve-pinched my heart. *tips over*
He can talk logic to me any day.

So, yeah, that is about where my life is now. Looking forward to Terminator, Transformers, Drag Me To Hell, Harry Potter, and my Paramore concert.

Oh! I lost 15 lbs! yay for me! So excited. Gotta keep working at it. :)

hooping, weight, belly dance, star trek, movies, hoola hoop, spock

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