Bizarre Brassiere Debauchery

Jan 20, 2009 20:43

I am a girl who does not worry about silly things like bras, for the most part.
I hear women go on and on about a well-fitting bra being worth the investment, that a good-fitting bra is so hard to come by, etc.
I listen with as much empathy as I can muster, but as still left baffled and alienated as the average guy as to how this can be such an issue.
I own a handful of brassieres, and they are all cute and colourful, and meant for little girls.
Because I have no boobs and wearing them makes me feel like a big girl! :]
Seriously, I used to be all sad over this fact, now I’m just thankful I don’t have to regularly invest in these masochistic-self-torture devices.
Why am I telling this story?
Well, yesterday, I bought my first Lady’s Bra.
I was expecting balloons and confetti to rain down -or at the very least a noise-maker- but got nothing.
I was highly disappointed.
Stupid Victoria’s Secret. Poor customer service, that is.
Anyways, I bought a strapless bra, not that I need the support, but it has padding, which is nice/needed.

Basically, I bought a $10 dress and a $50 bra to wear with it.
This seems to make sense to everyone except me.

Bras are just so silly…


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