Well, today is my last day at Logica / Shell. Its been a good place to work despite the frustrations. Mainly because the people here are good and its relatively relaxed (though sometimes too relaxed, and hence the frustrations). I'll be keeping in touch with the people I've worked with here.
On Monday, i start work out in
Westhill, at a company called
Helix RDS, doing work as a Linux sysadmin, Geosciences applications support guy, business focal point and general support dogsbody. Its a relatively small operation and a small team to match, so whilst I'll primarily focus on the *nix and G&G support, I'll be getting my hands dirty with a load of stuff. Apparently on tuesday I'm going to be in a planning meeting for their new UK SAN.
The money's pretty good, the benefits are fricken' awesome, and I get free gym access. Its a little way out of town, but hey, I've just got my provisional driving license..
Wish me luck.