Doctors and Gaming

Mar 19, 2007 12:44

The doctor was really good so I don't know if Rat met him on a bad day. He was very friendly and checked a variety of things (my heart, my ears, my eyes) to rule out any obvious reasons for the headache. He wants me to get a blood test at the hospital to check various things - FBC, Glucose and TFT. Obviously I know what Glucose means but I haven't got a clue about the others. It was good that he took me seriously - I was scared that saying "I've had different migraines" might not be considered important. He asked questions about my normal migraines, about triggers, about my last eye-test, about my general health, about my work - all good relevant stuff. I'm going to book an opticians appointment soon to cover that possibility but to be honest my eyes don't seem to have got any worse and I generally know when they have. So the next thing I have to do is arrange Rat so that I have company when I get my blood test.

At the weekend I signed up to a website called NearbyGamers where, strangely enough, you can try to find nearby gamers. It's a nice little Ruby on Rails site. I had a message today from someone in Abergavenny wanting to know if I'd like to join in a Shadowrun game. Abergavenny is not an option but he occasionally runs it in Cardiff - so day and time dependent I might take up his offer. I've never played Shadowrun but from the little I know of it I reckon it'd be cool. Wonder if I could twist Rat's arm to join me...
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