Jan 27, 2007 19:10
Actually, it's not really to do with recycling at all. But still. I was in Sainsbury's today and bought another bag for all my shopping. I must admit that this one is ten times better than the M&S one I have - other than the horrible orange colour. It's much bigger, folds up small (and then has poppers to keep it closed), and was under half the price! This prompted me to finally send an email to ASDA asking them to be more environmentally friendly when it comes to carrier bags, and at the same time complaining that when I order by weight I get too many or too few of the things I order. Who knows what response I might get but if I even get them thinking about these issues that would be great.
I am no longer an ebay virgin. Ever since we got the pool table I've been buying the odd thing on the "Buy now" option from ebay shops: the little pool cubes, the hamster cage, etc, etc. The other week I took part in my first ever bidding auctions - losing two bids but winning one. And today I sold my first item on ebay (and it had been bid on a few times too, which is cool). Yes, as soon as I have payment, I will be sending some paper (for card making - I got the same pack in a starter set than I'd bought myself) to some person in Cornwall. It's all bagged up ready. I won't get as much as I bought for the lot I got, but still, £2.40 isn't anything to be sniffed at (minus ebay fees and postage if it comes about £1 admittedly). I'm tryiing to work out what other things I can sell. I'm sure I've got a ton of soft toys I no longer need. Definitely some old videos (although I suspect they won't sell very well). Possibly even some old PC games - I'm sure I'll never play Baldur's Gate and it's in it's original box with the expansion. There's at least one other cardmaking thing I might sell. Hmmmm. I'm not looking to make a profit or anything, but earning money on things I would happily get rid of would be cool.