A brief respite

Jul 16, 2005 11:21

It's not actually boiling hot today. It's just very hot instead.

I finished Life of Pi this morning. I was determined to finish it in time for the impending delivery of Harry Potter. I had a phonecall this morning from Rat's mum saying that the post had arrived and the book wasn't there, and she was going shopping. So I don't have it yet and knowing my luck won't have it all weekend. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising that it wasn't delivered by Royal Mail. With the number of books that Amazon must have shipped out last night there is no way they could have entrusted to first class post. So I may have to wait a while.

The wait for Harry Potter won't be as hard on me as the wait for other things. I don't spend any time in fandoms, and I rarely read websites about my favourite programs, so when I read on my friends page this morning that not only was the new series of Battlestar out in certain countries, but also SG1 and Atlantis, I was horrified. I have to wait until the autumn. This is all the worse when combined with the knowledge that last time around we got most of these shows first. It's probably a good thing as, once contracts have been exchanged and we get to move, we're not going to have much time for TV watching. By the time these shows come to our TV screen, we'll have hopefully got most of the big work done on the house; at least, the big work for this year.

When we do move, one of the first things we're going to get is broadband. I had considered the idea of downloading episodes of these shows, to get my fix early, but I'm too honest a sort to do that. And it's more exciting to watch a show when it first appears on TV for some reason. One of the guys at work has been forcing everyone to watch his downloaded copies of the series Lost, which again isn't out for some time. I'm happy to wait. If it's as good as he says then it will be worth the wait. I don't need to be impatient.

But I am a little grumpy about the whole thing. I've been having SG1 dreams recently. It's not fair!

In other news, I've lost around 4lbs in the last two weeks. Considering the night away at the hotel and Rat's birthday lunch last weekend, this is really good going. I've been eating much less calories than I officially should, but haven't felt very hungry at all (sure, there are the occasional hunger twinges, but I get those when I eat normally anyway). I've also been eating really healthily. I won't say I'm definitely getting my five fruit and veg a day, but I'm getting at least two which is more than I used to. I'm eating much less meat, and mostly only chicken and turkey (except for the processed slices of ham that I have in my sandwiches). I haven't had takeout for over two weeks, and even though Rat keeps trying to persuade me I haven't given in. I'm determined to make this diet work. We've had a pizza from Tesco each week, but only half a pizza each, and thin and crispy rather than our favoured deep pan. Followed up by fruit and yoghurt and I'm not in the slight bit hungry.

I am, however, still drinking copious amounts of tea. I bought decaf last night to see if I can try reducing my caffeine intake again. That said, I've been sleeping better than ever despite the heat. When I do wake up I feel uncomfortable and unable to sleep, but I've been sleeping through the night rather than waking up around 4 so it doesn't really matter. I'm sure it helps that She's not around.

Last night I had a really late night for me, and it felt soooo good to go to sleep when I was tired. I shut down my computer just before 10, as usual. But then I did some Soduku puzzles, or whatever they're called. I gave into the advertising and after Rat explained what you had to do, we bought a book of the puzzles in Tesco last night. I then read a bit of Life of Pi. I went to bed just before midnight. Rat was out at the cinema with his brother so I didn't have to fight for room in the bed. He just about woke me up at when he got home, but I just kissed him goodnight, rolled over, and went back to sleep. Well, there might have been conversation, but I was so tired I can't remember it. It was probably one of the best night's sleep I've had in a long time, and I would be awake and feeling refreshed if it weren't for the heat making me awake but drowsy. And the big spot on my lip pulsing away angrily and making me very uncomfortable.

I only ever get bad spots on my lip or around the edge. Nasty whiteheads that really really look nasty and feel nasty and are just in the right place to be tempted to pick them. Or if not pick them, play with them with the tongue. And I know this will make them worse but it's hard not to. I wish I could avoid these spots but I don't know how! I don't know what I'm doing wrong! It's really really annoying.

Lots of things are really really something today, I've noticed.

And now I've really really run out of non-geeky stuff to talk about, and it's too hot to think and therefore too hot to talk about geeky stuff. So I'll stop writing now and start wishing that Harry Potter were right here in my hand (the book that is, not the actual character).

books, tv, life, health

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