I dont't understand new fiction archives.

Aug 21, 2012 05:30

It seems like this year I've been discovering quite a few archives for original stories and fanfiction that seem way better than the clearly outdated oldies like fictionpress and adultfanfiction.net. These new archives are clearly web 2012 websites in their design and handling of the database.

Here's the problem though. None of the ones I found allow for stories with explicit violent and sexual content. That's fine and dandy, but every single one of them? Are we, authors who want to post our stories that contain content for adults supposed to just... I don't even know!

I love adultfanfiction to bits, so much that I'm willing to put up with the quirkiness of the site, but that site needs a complete redesign. Badly. Unfortunately it's made by voluntaries and a complete redisign would be next to impossible for them. *sigh*

I just want an archive where I can accurately find the stories I'm looking for.

ct - misc

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