
Dec 15, 2009 21:43

...a thought just occurred to me.

Why would a "Digital World" celebrate Christmas? Is it to accommodate people here or is it something they always had, and if so so still the question of why there.

Didn't think you were that deep a thinker Tatsuki.

I'm not, I'm just honestly curious.

tatsuki, decembermas, guilmonx

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fedorafeline December 16 2009, 15:21:40 UTC
Well...I was never a particularly religious mon when I was alive.

I was taught about the holiday from some city mon when I was just a little bit. It sounded like fun so I kept up with the tradition.

I'm sure that business owners were all too happy to celebrate it if only for the boost of sales.

Is it sad that Digimon need an excuse to be kind to one another? Is there any month of the year where more is donated to charity then this one?


draconicfury December 16 2009, 16:03:26 UTC
...I'm sorry, back up to the religious part again.


fedorafeline December 16 2009, 16:33:04 UTC
We do have religions in the digital world you know. Some mon even deny the existance of Yggdrasil.


draconicfury December 16 2009, 17:43:19 UTC
...Okay I get there's a god of this place and everything but...what would digimon actually believe in? Another digi-god thing or like a cult following the various Angel digimon or-

Tatsuki! Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!



fedorafeline December 16 2009, 17:46:33 UTC
Well I have a chumon friend who was a devote worshipper of Yggdrasil, Some people join cults, others worship elements, or the people who created the Digital God Yggdrasil. There are all sorts of things to worship.

Why I once met a Lopmon who worshipped the sport of Hockey with a reverence like a churchmon.


draconicfury December 16 2009, 17:47:45 UTC

[is worried there's a cult here devoted to 2chan now, between these two conversations]


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