read / RANT OF A LIFETIME/ Are you...AN HERO?

Apr 13, 2007 12:44

If you do anything for me, read this article. It is pretty much everything I have said before and felt, just written far more eloquently than I ever could. I was shaking while I was reading it, partly out of anger at the situation, partly out of the fact that someone also notices, and hence  I have evidence against claims of my insanity.

Even though I finished reading the article five minutes ago, anger still resonates within me; not only at the situation, but the fact that it was allowed to get to this point. I not only blame to neoconservatives and greedy business practices of men who should, by all rights, be labeled traitors for what they have done to the American people (by moving their manufacturing plants, etc.), but the fucking piece of shit "upper middle class".


I am declaring war on the upper middle class. Why? because they're worthless pieces of shit who have allowed our country to be put into this shithole. It wasn't the rednecks who should be blamed for the election of Bush nor can it be the rednecks that should be blamed for the War in Iraq, outsourcing, or inflation.

It's YOU Mr. Middle Class, with your brand new Nissans and foriegn SUVs in the driveway (god forbid you actually spend money that will help our dying manufacturing sector), your overpriced lattes, and the self-absorbed notion that you're better than everyone else, and instead of GIVING A SHIT ABOUT UNION WORKERS AND THE REST OF YOUR FELLOW AMERICANS. NAW, that's not good enough or EXOTIC enough for you, Mr. Middle Class, you have to pick your pet issue such as gay rights, the evils of guns,animal rights, abortion rights etc. etc. etc., obsess over it, use your vast resources to make a stink about it and actually make politicians think "this is what the voters are concerned about", and VOILA...we now have a PARTY PLATFORM dedicated to a myriad of issues that the majority of the public don't really give a shit about, but the ones with money do.

So when you are lamenting over your Vanilla Latte or what have you about the deplorable state of white trash and how the republican party is pandering to them. They're not pandering to THEM, they're pandering to YOU because guess what....the poor, white, and pissed DON'T VOTE for the sole sake that the government has abandoned them in favor of you. So, you don't like the theme of Guns, God, and Government that is rampant in the United States, as well as the hardline political focus on gays and what? Well guess what middle class, it's YOUR fault.

NOTE: Don't forget the taxcuts Mr. Middle Class! The ones that made you SO SO SO HAPPY, but in the end also kicked you in the ass and is now serving as a reminder that you too will soon one day be serving BK Joe's like the rest of us.

NOTE #2: All right, I am CLARIFYING I have nothing against gays and I do support their liberty to do whatever the hell they want in the bedroom etc. However, if ANYONE had the BRAINS to realize that most gay issues, prior to recent years,  were being delegated to the Supreme Court  (along with other Courts) and  that, through out time, the decisions were getting more and more liberal. By putting the issue out into national politics specifically, on party platform and making it an ISSUE, it is now prime bait to be legislated on. Meaning, instead of being decided upon and voted on by constitutionally trained judges, it is now being voted on by either national/state legislature aka by men who are probably all legally retarded or by latte-sipping yuppies who recently converted to Christianity (oh beloved referendum).

Note #3: THIS IS A RANT NOT AN ESSAY. It's not supposed to make any sense.I'm just pissed off at people not giving a damn and being so blind, despite how liberal they claim to be. "If you're so concerned about the plight of the poor around the world, then why do you dismiss the plight of impoverished Americans?"

COMPLETELY UNRELATED: Why do people want to argue over the stupidest of shit? It's like I can't even have an intelligent conversation with someone without someone getting into my face. Jesus christ motherfucker, I'M JUST TALKING. It's not like I'm insulting your mother...Calm the fuck down, we're only talking about the purpose of ART IN CHURCHES (I made the statement that it was for advertisement in response to a statement Bitchy O'Dumbfuck made about how she preferred Catholicism because "the churched are pretty" and then Bitchy O'Dumbfuck decided to ARGUE ABOUT IT..GOD, WHAT THE FUCK. And then Asshole McGriddle (another person who was sitting with us)  decides to say "I won't argue about Art History with you". And now, I'm pissed off, and I'm like "bitch, c'mon...I know a shit load about art history, and especially about gothic cathedrals...if you wanna go, I'm ready"). The questiont hat needs to be asked is WHY THE HELL AM I READY TO ARGUE ABOUT THE PURPOSE OF THE AESTHETICS OF GOTHIC CATHEDRALS?

Like I said, people infuriate me. It's like the demand an ESSAY for whatever statement you make! Can't I make a statement and NOT have to write a THESIS PAPER ON THE SPOT ABOUT WHY I SAID IT. C'mon people, get a fucking life and grow up. It's not only this incident that has got me going, it seems that it happens EVERY BLOODY TIME. I hate these people, they just don't seem to understand the art of INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION, and take it to mean, "TIME TO ARGUE! GOD I LOVE DOING THIS".
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