Jul 12, 2009 22:20
Okay, now I don't want to be a cynical little twit, but something tells me I will be. So sorry about that.
My muse for writing has all but disappeared completely, as I have said before. But I admit that this is my writing muse for Doctor Who. I am still writing stuff, but it's not stuff that most of you want to read. I can only think of one or two who would, and do, read my recent fics. I shan't divulge too much into said fics mainly because of that age-old fear that people out there hate me/are juging me for writing them and not DW.
However, I am sure that this DW-Muse loss is a short term loss. It could be purely because DW isn't having a regular 13-episode series this year. I've spoken to some of my friends who agree that Doctor Who is no longer their favourite show for this very reason. They like Bones, Pushing Daises, Torchwood, etc. And for me, I expect people will reel away from monitors when they read this:
Doctor Who has never been my favourite show.
I mean, I absolutely love it, don't get me wrong, I could watch it all day. Both NewWho and the older series. But, I guess I've always had other shows to pine for whenever DW dominated me for whatever reason. Namely, one show in particular which I expect you'd all guess in one. And I know one of my friends gets sick and tired of me mentioning it, which is why I won't.
I have to moan a little now on behalf of some good friends of mine. There are two good old buddies of mine who haven't appeard on MSN in months and they know who they are. And I just want them to know that I for one don't hate them for disappearing. I hate hating people. What I'm getting at is that if you could at least address this with us, in an indirect journal maybe, as to why you're not on the old instant messenger anymore.
We understand that you have university and jobs and bands and holidays and what not. But just for five minutes? A little explanation as to where you are? We all worry about you and we love you still. And even though we communicate frequently on deviantART commenting on lovely pictures and journals, we miss having you in the ickle MSN box.
So, wherever you are, hope you're well and are happy and all the rest of it. And happy birthday for tomorrow, Spinnity Spiral. =D
To end on a lighter note:
Okay, done. 8D
getting it off the chest,
no sanity here