May 02, 2009 08:47
Okay, so there's going to be some MEME stuff happening now. *nods*
Full name: Jasmine Sarah Joy [Insert Surename Here]
Birthdate: 1st June 1991
Birthplace: Guildford
Current Location: Outside Guildford
Home: Uhm... here.
School: The Epic College of Epic, which is actually what it's called.
Current Pet/pets: None.
Color/colors: More than one? Oh, Finally! Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. 8D
Food: I'm gonna say cheesecake. =P
Drink: The blue Powerade, Ribena and J20: Orange and Passionfruit. Eeee!
Season: Spring / Summer
Vacation spot: I wanna go to 'Merica Land. D=
Holiday: Summer Holidays. Which probably doesn't count, but oh well. xD
Music: Pretty much anything apart from rap. *murders it*
Clothing: JEANS. And somefink else.
Pants: That's very personal.
College: Epic, epic, epic.
What you want to be when you grow up: Comedienne. Good luck with that. xD
State you want to live in: I'd rather live in Canada, acutally.
How many friends: Many.
In My Area: Hazel, NIcola, Hannah, Vicky, Gemma, Jess.
At Uni: Vicky, Dan, Andy. In fact, most of the drama people.
At Work: Kelly, James and Loo. Hur, hur. =D
And on the internet: Mel, Nai, Jo, Ellie, Spiral, Reeby, Jess. LOVE YOU GUYS. <3
Known the longest: Chloe, but she doesn't live here no more. )=
What makes a good friend: Someone who isn't false, needs a great sense of humour and wherever possible, they need at least half a brain. =D
Love Life
Are you allowed to date?: I guess so.
Who do you like?: Well, there's this boy in drama...
Ever been loved?: I'm not sure.
Who was your first crush?: Never you mind. )=<
Mottos, huh? Here's one of mine: "Fail on the highest scale!"
Have you ever laughed so hard you almost cut out your airway circulation completely?: PIMP MOBILE! XD
What makes you depressed?: A lack of confidence, and other bad stuff.
What makes a perfect partner for you?: A tall American guy with big feet... No wait! I mean a handsome American guy with bushy eyebrows and pointy ears... No, no! Argh, can I start again?
random stuff