Review: Doctor Who - The Adventure Games

Jun 10, 2010 23:00

When I first saw it, I was passive. It looked really good to me but I wasn’t going to get my expectations up so easily. Plus, C: Drive space was minimal, sad face. :(


Mother’s friend was very nice and bought us an external hard drive. Joy face! Now I can download Portal 2 when it comes out, also. 8D But I digress.

Anyways, I was bored this afternoon, so thought ‘why not?’ and downloaded the first episode, City of the Daleks. Completely cliché-ic title, I know. There can only be so many ‘____ of the Daleks’ episodes out there.

It didn’t take very long to download and install either, which surprised me. Fifteen to twenty minutes at least. And then after it had installed, happiness! Time to play!

The graphics are pretty good for a game like this, though the control layout does mean it takes Doccy about an hour to turn around. And even though I wasn’t entirely keen on the new Dalek design, there’s something about them prowling around in post-apocalyptic London which pleases me…

Anyway, it’s not insanely easy to complete, which is good! Means it’s not all over in a flash, with no challenge at all. I must’ve gotten Amy killed about seven times. XD And Doccy a further three. But purely because of my failsome lack of skill, not the game’s fault. (Seriously, I actually ran him into the path of a Dalek. About as stealthy and subtle as a sledgehammer to the face). Also, our first glimpse of Skaro for NewWho outings. Well worth a look, the city seems quite beautiful. Shame the same could not be said for it's inhabitants...

Overall, I would recommend a good download of this game. ^^ The initial download is about 2 GB, and all the episodes after that take up no extra space, whoopee!

I rate this product:

Omg, the ending. I’ve never felt so tense while playing a game. xD

review, doctor who, epic win

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