LJ Idol: Week 3

Nov 04, 2011 09:49

LJ Idol: Week 3

There’s always a small corner of your memory where you keep things that were once cherished. Those memories of people and times you once thought were the gold of your life, that you look back on now and realize were just brass. Former lovers, former friends, things you once enjoyed that you’re just slightly embarrassed by now. It’s all there just waiting for you chip the stony exterior you’ve built up away and relive those memories again.

Sometimes they’ll bring a smile to your face as you remember what it was like when things were good or you’ll chuckle wondering how you ever could have thought that was cool. Most times though, you realize you were just opening your own Pandora’s Box and letting out all the things you wanted to leave buried.

You quietly close it back up and start building that stony exterior around those memories again. You tell yourself that this time you’ll remember not to look inside. This time you’ll remember that those memories are all the crap you don’t want to remember and that’s why you had it pushed away to begin with. You know you won’t listen to your own warning but it makes you feel better to say it anyway.

And so they sit in that quiet little spot in your mind, just waiting for you to get curious and chip away again.

!public post, lj idol

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