Hey all :)
So I'm back from Scotland now. Came home a week ago. Caught up with personal LJs, but think I won't even bother with catching-up with all comms, since there are BBB-fics to read. Speaking of fic, if you read NCIS fic, check out
Trust Beneficiary by
arsenicjade, a gen fic (Tony and Gibbs-centric) that I warmly recc. Do pay attention to warning, but think the fic dealt with grief in an honest and good way. Adored the fic!
As mentioned hopelessly behind on BBB reading and commenting. The only comment I managed to write for a fic so far was eaten up by LJ so I was a bit GRRR about that but uhm... I think I will re-read that story anyway so I can comment after the re-read. One quick rec I can give is to check out
mistresscurvy's fic
On the Midtown Direct - was reading it last night when I should have been sleeping. That fic was one of the really good one's that made me beam so hard it hurt at the screen. It was a perfect feel-good fic <3 [Psssst... any favourites to recc to me from this year's BBB offerings?]
So... Scotland. Must do proper post later, but for now.... OH MY GOD I LOVE EDINBURGH!! Historic buildings, CASTLES and bookstores... and there was also a lot of coffee. Hah. Oh, bandom. I went to Starbucks for the first time in my life [we don't have Starbucks in Finland], all I could think was.... BANDOM and quietly giggle to myself and not explain my giggles to my newfound friends. I'm happy when I'm free to be my weirdself :D
Anyway, if you've followed my tweets you might have seen a couple of pics already and some of my tweet's about host family's adorable and enthusiastic pets... who I kind of miss, even if cats were slightly too fond of my laptop and mouse...
some pics if you haven't seen before - all pics from trip on first page. (Have tons more, just need to see what to upload on photobucket. )
And to those who celebrate it, hope you had a great Midsummer!
Behold B's internal monologue: Also, should this post be under a cut, is it too long? I mean I get annoyed when people don't put long posts under cut, especially if it's fic. Do not want to do that myself. So what is a long post anyway? Still, I think this is rather short?