My life has been crazy lately. I've been traveling a lot and though I managed to stay online quite a lot, I rarely spared a moment to write.
With my boyfriend things settled down again, and so i am back in a happy relationship :o)
I'll be moving in about two weeks - and of course the troubles around the new apartment have been another reason for my absence here.
I have finally finished the big translation, which kept me busy until 2 AM for the last two months.
So now I am back :o)
The news is, I have a new tai-ji master. She is probably the very best master in the Czech Republic, and she is willing to teach R and me although we have been with a nother master for many years. And she is really teaching and guiding, and it is wonderful. My legs hurt after last night's two hours training.
I had no time for taekwondo over the past months, and I do miss it, although I no longer have so much drive to go to the trainigns, as our trainers are very often absent and many of my friends left and - honestly - I hate feeling old among a bunch of 18-year-olds. Though I am glad I can still do all they can... I'll see. I've been keeping fit and fight-fit by tai-ji and gym training. I am considering going far more often to Zhai Hua, my new Tai-ji master, because I really really love her teaching style and with a 10 years background, I have a chance of becoming one of her "successors" - no I am not seeking positions, but chances to teach - when and if I get good enough - because I would love to pass on all that tai-ji and martial arts have given me in general. And it seems I will never be allowed to teach taekwondo as I am against discipline under any circumstances and if something is against my opinion, I speak up. I can't not oppose someone just because they're higher degree - for me, a person's worth will derive from the complex of who they are, and never just from taekwon-do,
above all since, lately, degrees are being awarded only for sport abilities, regardless of personality (this should not be, if you read ANYTHING about martial arts). This has bothered me a lot lately.
And work-wise... I've been busy as always but things are going well. There were things I was unsure or afraid of, and all has turned well. The next moment of truth comes end November, when my project will be evaluated for funding.
Finally, I love this quiz:
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