Oct 06, 2010 23:59
For my friends who haven't heard yet: Monday morning an eighteen wheeler changed from the right lane to the left, with me switching from left to right to go around him and go through the light. Noting the fact that his ENTIRE vehicle, truck and trailer, were in the left lane, he proceeded to make a right hand turn infront of me, leaving me practically no time to brake. I know some of you don't believe in God but I believe he sent an angel down to save me because everyone said I was lucky as all get out to not be seriously injured or even dead. I feel really lucky and glad to be alive. I'm still really sore. My entire left side from the knee up is practically a bruise and it sucks. Anyway, just thought I'd share the news and let ya know. I love you all and wish you the best! *hugs*
lame lame lame owie