I wrote two companion pieces to
On this journey only your heart from Neville's point of view and thought I'd link to them in one post.
but in small secretsRelationship: pre-Draco/Neville
Characters: Neville, Draco, Ernie, Prof.Carrow
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~730 words
Summary: The first time Neville could no longer deny something was up with Malfoy was a day in early December when he happened upon McMillan tagging FREE HOGWARTS all over a set of moving stairs in bright yellow Muggle paint.
the life we're havingRelationships: Draco/Neville
Characters:Neville, Draco, Narcissa, Lucius, Augusta
Rating: PG
Word Count: ~580 words
Summary: It was July when Neville anwered Draco's invitation to the Manor.